General Clarifications
Notes on services, plans and extracts of key points on terms and conditions
- The terms published (in the Site) point or could be summarized as criteria on what is available in relation to the service and the parts, defining a viable scope according to the general approach of the plans (which can be alternatives), without including associated services and reserving the Author’s rights of “OnMind”.
- The software or platform “OnMind” has been manufactured thinking about business projects, being also inclusive with microentrepreneurs, entrepreneurs or similar. In any case, it is not offering any service or consumer product for the home, hence as a requirement for activation can be requested tax identification or international substitute.
- The “demo” published is intended only for preliminary concept on the product, records (in “apps”) can be deleted and / or mixed in platform with those of other users in transit (or transients). You can also contact us for presentation and better orientation.
- The word “apps” (or “web-apps”) in the context refers to functionalities (components, modules, applications or others) of a modular platform to manage data, according to technical approach and nature of the plan.
- Instead of “apps”, units of use are settled whose value varies according to the plan and may also refer to other concepts of the service (users or subscriptions, processors, registers, resources or other according to the plan). In addition, instead of incorporating consumption by users, there are plans subject to control or measurement in records, by dimensioning a capacity as indicated in each plan, for example 40000 records stored (processed and accumulated) at annual cut (average of 4 thousand per month), capacity that increases for each unit of use charged in favor of your scope and greater coverage. This usually translates into having more than enough to start according to plan, except for different behavior or anticipated growth.
- Once the capacity in records has been exceeded, each additional record has a value of COP$ 900 (or USD$ 0.5), a charge that would be applied to the cut-off or expiration of the period (e.g. annual). A “record” is also understood as an entry or row, which is either stored, processed or generated in any data object (collection or similar) from the platform, could even count entries in files (amount) that are listed or stored on the platform for the entity account if this happens (e.g. web files). Only the additional charge is applied as long as the number of entries or records are generated, reported or displayed on the platform. Note that records persist, accumulating or increasing over the years in relation to the use of the system.
- We incorporate essential support without requiring or applying coverage for maintenance (modification or adaptation of software) or policies, for those who prefer to avoid such an investment. For this reason, no additional contract amounts are mentioned and services are accessed on demand (at the customer’s request) at an hourly rate (virtual/remote in principle), unless such acquisition is preferred. Therefore, the customer accepts that the essential support is very specific and does not cover services, activities or maintenance.
- You can consult on our site the section on “Essential Support Cases”, and also, the title “Additional Services and Fees”. For this, it is important to distinguish software updates (product improvement at will) maintenance (customization, modification or adaptation of software upon request), as well as consulting (and service levels). In other words, one thing is a defect confirmed by OnMind and another is an adaptation, a project or an analysis consultation.
- Indications or technical specifications vary from version to version or from plan to plan. In addition, it is clarified that the mobile or desktop experience may vary, i.e., there are mobile-enabled features as well as a desktop-enabled experience that may be different.
- Application, version, function or feature indicated or labeled as “EXPERIMENTAL”, “DEMO”, “DEBUG”, “FREE” (freemium, freeware) or “COMMUNITY” is not warranted nor supported (either essential), may be limited or discontinued, based on the foregoing the use is at the discretion of the client. It also applies to options or functions derived from the one labeled in this way. In addition, it can be released update that applies charges (mainly in an experimental one), the client will be able to determine if it is of interest to continue using it.
- Both the risks that are expressed (in the terms of the Site) that are not assumed, and any other risk not manifested, should be understood that it is not assumed either and would correspond to the acceptance that is exercised by the customer.
- The Cloud Service (plans as: Basis, Nubes and Plus) can be considered of adequate scope by reducing the need to increase payroll by infrastructure or to better focus customer resources according to the scope of the service, but it is never replaced or covered within the Cloud Service value by trained or qualified personnel, nor by an expert.
- To apply for consulting or services by the hour (virtual/remote), being a registered client, an appointment must be scheduled to begin diagnosis with a corresponding minimum deposit of 1 hour, or in its defect, authorization of the charge for collection (monthly cutoff). Different in case of commercial approach or in packages of hours (which only needs to be scheduled).
- The value of any subscribed service and the rates for associated or additional services may have a reasonable annual increase given the economic criteria of the country or the variation of the dollar (used internally as a basis for calculation in the area of technology and technology infrastructure providers).
- The collection for units of aggregate use after the initial acquisition is also of immediate payment, counting the same month in which the payment is made and other months if it is adjusted to annual liquidation, that is to say, for post-sale the functions (users or others) that are acquired are enabled once the respective collection is made for the amount that results from discounting the previous months and projecting the missing months for the annual cut or liquidation (including the month of the new purchase). If there is a monthly liquidation plan, the month would be liquidated (projection does not apply), otherwise another month(s) would be anticipated.
- We seek to facilitate the path of growth with our Cloud Service (plans such as: Basis, Nubes and Plus), in case of change of course, grow much more or require it can find option or plan (e.g. Virtus) where installation is authorized under license to continue the operation with the new corresponding terms. This change may imply additional services by migration.
- The terms and conditions of the service, as well as annexed policies that are published in the platform, keep aspects of correspondence with those of the “OnMind” hardware or computing infrastructure provider, and are subject to updating.
- If additional services are acquired that are derived from or associated with “OnMind” product software development, as adaptation or modification, the respective fee applies and retains all intellectual property rights of “OnMind” (ONMIND © 2015-present by Cesar Andres Arcila Buitrago). Unfavorable conditions or conflict in this respect is resolved in favor of “OnMind”, taking care of and preserving first and foremost our intellectual property rights. As complementary premises, our platform is multi-purpose, consists of a base produced for 5 years, has a repertoire of applications with a modular orientation, a visual standard, components (web), there are dynamic, configurable or parameterizable functionalities, is based on schemes or models applied, formats or forms can consist of definitions and design arrangements established thanks to the platform, which keeps correspondence with the OnMind method of the same author.
- When it comes to the Cloud Service (plans as: Basis, Nubes and Plus), our Software operates on server or hardware platform purchased from our own vendor (internally), while the Attachment Plans (which consider use or installation on the customer’s machine) require licensing. The latter (under license) could apply taxes under the common regime while for Colombia cloud computing is currently not. In none of these cases is redistribution of the software or service allowed.
- The Cloud Service offered by “OnMind” is not for the exclusive use of a single client, nor is the software.
- When it comes to Cloud Service (or cloud computing), we must avoid confusion with web hosting, which is a conventional modality with certain features for websites and web pages, a service different from the one offered by “OnMind” and which is not supported, since our product involves a platform with organizational orientation or processing (computing), which provides an interesting scope and many times required in businesses. Web hosting for a site can be purchased from a third party, in the case of Firebase Hosting by Google (which offers free plan) can be easily integrated with our platform.
- With our Cloud Service you have a simple alternative of hosting a blog or similar at no additional cost under certain criteria. Referring to text files with extension “md” (Markdown convention) through the explorer or the editor of the platform. The nature of these files suggests that they represent kilobytes or less, it should also be understood that you can use links to other files as images, but files other than the “md” extension are not stored, so you should use another storage medium for the other files or acquired storage separately (with “OnMind Plus” plan). It should also be noted that there is no guarantee of backup of such files (“md” extension), so it is recommended that you keep copies of these (different is when you use separate storage that is usually redundant).
- The client will have to pay any tax that is generated according to the applicability or novelty given the moment.
- Any pending account with a due date, even for services billed in a month, results in suspension of service (or of the license in annexed plans).
- “OnMind” reserves the right to enable “apps” for a plan or its publication in the store. In the same way, plans are reserved, even those personalized that consider the concept of “white label” marketing, which in the present terms are not offered. Functionalities or “apps” that may be open to a client in a wrong way, without corresponding to their acquisition, will be subject to rectification of access. There is also no guarantee that a discount is periodic, this can be change in a subsequent period.
- Any commercial support information that is delivered or submitted, expires at the end of the day (same date) or simply serves as a reference although it is not guaranteed to be maintained until the event of a purchase, as the Site sets the guiding principle and validity for “OnMind”. We invite you to interact with our site.
Clarifications according to the Plan
Plan-specific notes as applicable. The software is currently available in Spanish language.
About the OnMind “Free” Plan
- This is our plan at no cost to anyone associated with a business. It admits only one (1) user and up to one open session, delimiting a capacity of 9,000 stored records (processed and accumulated, in several cases can exceed one year), being possible to apply to a payment plan at any time you want or require. You do not require a credit card for registration, unless you apply for associated services (additional).
- As it is labeled as “free”, it has no support nor warranty, it could be limited or discontinued. May contain advertising space. Unused accounts can be removed after 2 months of inactivity, freeing up occupation to give the opportunity to others. Also apply policy of fair use (of terms), infringe is criterion to suspend the account (e.g. overcome open sessions or consume bandwidth).
About the OnMind “Basis” Plan
- The “OnMind Basis” plan is subject to controlled use or record measurement, by dimensioning a capacity of 12,000 stored records (processed and accumulated) to an annual cut-off, capacity that is increased for each unit of use charged, in favor of your scope and greater coverage (this is usually sufficient for the plan). A respective charge applies for each additional record (usually the respective processing is done at the end of the period).
- The plan “OnMind Basis” corresponds to a shared service with a limited bandwidth, is designed for 1 user only and up to 2 open sessions, and is cause for the policy of fair use (of terms). There is a plan (e.g. “OnMind Nubes”) for a greater resource or alternative when a business moves to a consumption of another enterprise level or its dynamics disproportionately consumes a shared service.
About the OnMind “Nubes” Plan
- Instead of incorporating consumption by users, the “OnMind Nubes” plan is subject to use under control or measurement of records, by dimensioning a capacity of 20,000 stored records (processed and accumulated) at annual cut, capacity that increases for each unit of use charged, in favor of your reach and greater coverage (this is usually sufficient for the plan). There is a charge for each additional record (usually the respective processing is done at the end of the period).
- The plan “OnMind Nubes” corresponds to a shared service with a limited bandwidth and is sized for 9 users connected (open sessions), and is cause for the policy of fair use (of terms). There is a plan (e.g. “OnMind Plus”) for a greater resource or alternative when a business moves to a consumption of another enterprise level or its dynamics disproportionately consumes a shared service.
About the OnMind “Plus” Plan
- Instead of incorporating consumption by users, the “OnMind Plus” plan is subject to use under control or measurement of records, by dimensioning a capacity of 40,000 stored records (processed and accumulated) at annual cut, capacity that increases for each unit of use charged, in favor of your reach and greater coverage (this is usually sufficient for the plan). There is a charge for each additional record (usually the respective processing is done at the end of the period). There is a recommendation, on the basis of data, to use files up to a size of 3GB (usually sufficient for most plans), reaching such a dimension is a sign of reviewing other plan.
- It also applies management units, that is, each internal division, i.e., each point, local, warehouse, branch, agency or other that apply as usage units when a plan is not settled by user but has another dimension to be value.
- The “OnMind Plus” plan extends the benefits of the “OnMind Nubes” plan with a scope of service and infrastructure corresponding to the low cost. While the previous plan is openly shared, this plan may be slightly shared since it uses internal virtualization, i.e., it also does not include a dedicated physical server. It can be considered by companies if it is enough to start with “OnMind”. There is a plan or alternative in case of growth. As an explicit suggestion, this plan is sized for 25 users connected (open sessions), can grow in virtual mechanism increasing units for resource capacity. However, reaching another dimension or different criteria may be a signal of moving to a plan where acquired infrastructure is required and its own human resource or a responsible person in charge.
- A charge of 3 units always applies, allocating one unit per Link Panel for Content and the other two for the concept: “Management fee applicable to Plan Plus”.
- No machine specifications are indicated given the infrastructure and its internal distribution corresponding to the concept of cloud service, although this suggests that it starts with an instance or core. The “OnMind Plus” plan corresponds to a virtual internal mechanism without admitting access to infrastructure, the management of backups is applied strictly on the database (it does not apply for attachments, media, texts or digital content, although could add redundant storage). If something else is required, additional services are applied, for example a restoration or a change of domain or its provider. Similarly, if a computer security expert or specialist is required, the charges generated are passed on to the customer’s account as credits (debits) in the month.
- The “OnMind Plus” plan makes it possible to acquire resources such as disk (“block-storage”, even redundant or high availability) or assignment of an acquired domain, or link account for basic third party protection (with “Cloudflare” service). In the first instance, we do our best to preserve the modality in units of use for such resources or to add units by increasing the capacity, if we do not obtain margin from our management or are affected (even by bandwidth consumption) these charges are transferred, that is, if excessive or inappropriate use is made (violating fair use policy) or our provider generates any additional charge is remitted to the customer’s account.
- After its acquisition (even if it remains active provisionally) it requires a readiness for its initial configuration, scheduling an appointment for diagnosis and proper start-up. Aggregate resources may not be found initially in the store but may be defined at this appointment or later.
About the OnMind “Virtus” Plan
- The plan “OnMind Virtus” is under premise (control of licensing via Internet), and unlike the cloud service “OnMind” makes it possible to be manageable by the customer or his team. It offers the virtue of empowerment or faculties of control, therefore, the responsibility, security, custody, management and control of the data remains in your hands.
- When we talk about pre-sales with order, it is because it involves the start-up or installation (customized) on a server or a machine with the proper intervention, orientation activity that we cover in remote mode by appointment that is scheduled once the respective purchase is made. You can ask us for a presentation or approach (there is a “demo”).
- Instead of incorporating consumption by users, the plan is subject to controlled use or measurement in records (as part of the license conditions), amounting to a capacity of 60,000 per year for each unit of use charged (this is usually sufficient for the plan). Charge applies for each additional record (usually the respective processing is done at the end of the period). There is a recommendation on the database (that consists of internal mechanism incorporated or coupled under Java) to use files up to a size of 3GB (usually sufficient for this plan), reaching such a dimension is a sign of reviewing a new plan (such as the OnMind Optimus plan with its possibilities, it would even be possible to evaluate thus the database acquired with third parties).
- It also applies management units, that is, each internal division, i.e., each point, local, warehouse, branch, agency or other that apply as units of use when a plan is not settled by user but has another dimension to be value.
- According to current regulations for the purposes of the viewpoint of “OnMind” as a license provider would apply taxes (on the basis obtained).
- Linux operating system Debian 10 or Amazon Linux 2 are supported (the latter on AWS), and minimum server with 2 processors, 4GB of memory (RAM) and 25GB available on disk (preferably SSD), plus security certificates are required. The designated server must be exclusive for the use of the OnMind platform.
- In the case of admitting a license or possibility to install the product in the infrastructure acquired by the customer with its specifications under a supported platform (Vultr, OCI or AWS, the latter with two additional units) preferring to count on the support that “OnMind” can offer, 4 usage units would be applied (concept: “Management fee applicable in the Cloud”) by a restricted administration to activities of (1) power on, (2) updates of “OnMind”, (3) routine backups strictly on the database (does not apply for attachments, media, text or digital content, although it could add redundant storage), in addition to cases of essential support, restricting remote access to the server and assigning it exclusively to the “OnMind” software platform. It would be promoted to MySQL/MariaDB (or Aurora on AWS) database engine.
- If applied to the previous concept, adapting the plan to the cloud, makes it possible to acquire resources such as disk (“block-storage”, even redundant or high availability) or assignment of an acquired domain, or link account for basic third party protection (with “Cloudflare” service). In the first instance, we do our best to preserve the modality in units of use for such resources or to add units by increasing the capacity, if we do not obtain margin from our management or are affected (even by bandwidth consumption) these charges are transferred, that is, if excessive or inappropriate use is made (violating fair use policy) or our provider generates any additional charge is remitted to the customer’s account.
- Another alternative corresponds to the purchase of a license instead of renting (being exclusive of the cloud-based scenario). It only applies to local servers managed by the customer’s human resources and at the time of the first purchase, i.e. it is not retroactive. In this case, the amount will correspond to the in-store calculation projected at 2.5 years ( annuality x 2.5) adding taxes. An essential support (for defects, not for assistance) is granted for a period of 1 year with the option to apply to the following updates, which updated value will be obtained based on the store projected 2.5 years for 25% ( annuality x 2.5 x 0.25), adding taxes and without discounts. If the acquisition of updates is frozen, no support is guaranteed, in which case migration services may also be required.
About the OnMind “Optimus” Plan
Considering some scenarios, it starts with the concept of starting from a base plan with the freedom to apply to a premium support
- The “OnMind Optimus” plan is under premise (control of licensing via Internet), and unlike the cloud service “OnMind” makes it possible to be manageable by the customer or his team, even a third party. It offers the alternative or opening of hiring a third party for infrastructure with greater coverage according to expectations or requirements (or directly AWS). The licensing of the database also corresponds to the respective third party and is not included.
- Instead of incorporating user consumption, the plan is subject to controlled use or measurement in records (as part of the license conditions), amounting to a capacity of 120,000 records per core at annual cut-off. Charge applies for each additional record. Minimum 2 cores.
- Each entity account is also counted as a multiple, such as a corporate group or distributor license. As a viable alternative for a distributor license (non-exclusive), it can be evaluated that, instead of the previous point, OnMind charges a commission and minimum charge, allowing the commercial operation and taking care that the guidelines of the business model are met (plans, services, knowledge base, method) and that the good name of OnMind is preserved, with aspects similar to a franchise.
- This plan includes an initial package of 120 hours in support services when applying to the minimum of 2 cores, for 4 or more cores 300 hours are incorporated. For more hours packages can be added as well as fee on demand.
- It has access to telephone service channel during OnMind availability hours for communication or scheduling with customer-approved contact. Since we seek to make the plan economically attractive at the corporate level or pilot project levels, being possible to avoid bids given a lower amount, do not include levels of service or policy but separately (with annex to the contract or personalized contract).
- It is a plan that offers better features to address projects with preferences or requirements, can be considered configurations that are approved or adapted, for example, evaluate a database engine of specific interest that is feasible to adapt, or use MySQL/MariaDB, even version for Oracle 18c (it can be XE), version that is provided with the respective acquisition and having server and database ready for “OnMind”. In pre-sale, proof of concept or pre-projects, only the default database engine is used (incorporated or coupled in Java), if desired you can also continue with this without requiring another provider, recommending to review this when reaching a size of 2 GB.
- According to current regulations for the purposes of the viewpoint of “OnMind” as a license provider would apply taxes (on the basis obtained).
Thank you for informing yourself
Last Updated: 02-11-2020