Introduce Plan
For affiliate marketing enthusiasts, innovation lovers and/or those looking for additional income (Colombia)
See proposal table at the end

Moving from paper or the conventional office to the OnMind experience can be translated, in a digital context, as software service and infrastructure resources on platform (in the cloud or local server), as well as dynamism, knowledge and mobility if applicable. Simply a leap.
Without claiming to be absolute, but rather a substitute that coexists with the simplicity of paper that by reducing its use we take care of the planet, we welcome those who understand this leap, being of interest for customers applying to our affiliate payment program (“Introduce Plan”), introducing another (similar to the concept of referrals but exceeding USD$ 9, even reach 20%). It must be understood that a product is offered to who at will, of an autonomous or independent nature and with the respective purpose, acquires an “Entity Account” for a period of time (or more), in addition to bearing in mind the following terms and guidelines:
- “OnMind” does not always offer its products directly but can also rely on business partners or “introducers” according to the line or plan, reserving some economic proposals that may be exclusive to “OnMind”, for example, corporate negotiations or on exclusive projects, services or plans. As a precedent, the “OnMind Nubes” plan is the main cause that has originated the “Introduce Plan”. It is the intention of “OnMind” to grant benefit or compensation of 20% for the introduction of a new buyer of the plan “OnMind Nubes”, never recurrent, nor periodic, nor indefinite. Applies only to the first purchase of a new customer (unless there is a clear intention of the customer buyer to add units of use and the next purchase is made within 2 months, with the “introducer” active and reporting attentively the novelty), considering that “OnMind” does not guarantee reprocessing or processes outside the initial store event.
- In order to apply to the “Introduce Plan” the specific function or “app” for such purpose (Introduce Panel) must have been acquired (from store, with Basis or Nubes plan), this will enable a code or link to refer. The conditions of the store’s base plan are assimilated. The registered account is not transferable and has expiration, it is also renewable.
- Other plans do not necessarily support the “Introduce Plan” function or “app”. If you use this plan for a business and then change plans (e.g. Plus, Virtus), a different account would be required if you wish to continue to apply to the “Introduce Plan”.
- An “introducer”, being an independent entity or business person acting in its own name, is a key and strategic client, preferably introduced into the world of software and applications as a service through an Internet platform (cloud computing), in addition to assimilating notions of affiliate marketing, digital or similar. It is made clear that there is no employment relationship. The “introducer” is a customer who acquires a service and whose dedication is subject to their disposition, mainly expontaneous unless there is a greater will or affiliate marketing enthusiasts.
- “OnMind” reserves the distribution and its control, this is part of our license and the terms, in this context, any confusion with a “distributor”, “redistributor” or “reseller” of software should be avoided. A corporate “distributor” corresponds to a company in the software, project or related sector (e.g., payroll of more than 5 professionals), a corporate commercial management and different scope of the introduction or connection designed for the “Introduce Plan”.
- Given the existence of annexed plans or another line of products (for example for classic desktop software or for licensing on servers) different to the Basis and Nubes plans, the “introducer” of the case does not apply to the common profit (20/80), but could acquire a specific profit by recommendation, never recurrent, never periodic, never indefinite. In other words, as far as a different plan is concerned, a benefit may or may not apply, depending on whether that other plan is conceived or explicitly reported (see current percentages at the end).
- Being the “Introduce Plan” for direct clients of “OnMind”, given the nature and disposition of the clients (businessmen, entrepreneurs and similar) it is not admits a multilevel marketing, rather corresponds to what is known as affiliate marketing which is different. In addition, “OnMind” reserves its limit or availability for new “introducers” by enabling the “app” in the shop.
- Although it is not usual to apply benefits (or compensations in favor of the “introducer”) on the additional services because it corresponds to a work and our customer service already implies a cost, it is only considered with the sense of promoting packages of hours in the initial event, granting 5% on that package. Applies only to the first purchase of a new client (unless there is a manifest intention of the purchasing client to add hour packs and the next purchase is made within 2 months, with the “introducer” active and reporting the novelty carefully, “OnMind” does not guarantee processes or follow-up outside the initial event). A different case would be a discount as a customer who purchase planned services with a long duration (i.e. the “introducer” contracts with “OnMind” also projects).
- The plan to which the “introducer” subscribes obeys at least one currency and country, therefore, by offering the plan in Colombian pesos, applies to Colombia.
- If an “introducer” has outstanding accounts with “OnMind”, any benefit always intersects first with the account receivable from the “introducer” before clearing.
- The “introducer” could cover a minimum of orientation to potential customers to be at their reach and disposal, “OnMind” will be there to support their direct customers (in this case the “introducer”) in the commercial aspect or if some specific situation of platform availability arises.
- The “introducer” may require general induction on “OnMind” around the software and commercial concept of its applications. The “introducer” must clearly differentiate what is offered and purchased, for example, by distinguishing web pages or conventional hosting from what is meant by software and applications as a service through a platform via the Internet (called cloud computing), which involves machine or processing (basically, one passes to the infrastructure level by taking a leap).
- The “introducer” or other customer may contact each other to purchase any other associated or additional service (since they are not included).
- For benefit settlement purposes, “OnMind” may review or validate the registered usage units and data that give reason for the respective service.
- It is clarified that, given a scenario where more than one “introducer” approaches the same prospectus, the compensation benefit ultimately applies to the one chosen by the customer (using the link). In addition, no exclusivity by location or city is granted to a single “introducer” within the country.
- The “OnMind” trademark is only authorized for internal use, so some commercial aid guidance documents published by “OnMind” will be promoted, basically through its digital website. Any external document is not official, in case to affect “OnMind” or generate noise would cause cancellation of the account of the “introducer”.
- The “introducer” is not authorized to provide the additional services that are exclusive to “OnMind”, or those exercised solely by the author or his staff. If someone is a service contractor with “OnMind” there is no place for the “Introduce Plan” or if there is a precedent as a client this plan would not be renewed, continuing with the base plan.
- Depending on the figure of the “introducer”, withholding at source would be applied, in accordance with the regulations in effect for citizens in Colombia, “OnMind” could require those who act as natural persons, criteria such as RUT, health and pension payment, or others that are considered necessary, being a requirement to obtain compensation benefits.
- Given a scenario of customer return sent by the “introducer”, it would also be reflected for the “introducer”, crossing or subtracting in its next compensation the respective amount.
- For the application of compensation or benefit to the “introducer”, the relationship or distribution of the parties (20/80 or other) is calculated on the amount obtained after some discount and before including taxes (if applicable). The net purchase amount (before tax) is the basis for the calculation.
- Payments may have a time to become effective until the fourth day after a sale (after 72 hours) and essentially ePayco/Davivienda account is used. Subject to change if a cut is defined, giving this the guideline, as well as the incorporation of other banks or wallets (e.g. Paypal). “OnMind” does not assume additional charges nor fees for transfers from financial entities.
- The “introducer” must retain active service if he wishes to apply for new benefits or compensation, in addition to being informed, maintaining policies, guidelines and code of conduct (this is: called to respect, to be responsible, to act with rectitude and a sense of gratitude in their lives), without obfuscating the potential customer with aggressive practices and avoiding affecting the image or good name of “OnMind”, i.e. pressure can be avoided while taking determined action.
- The possibility is left open for “OnMind” to separate the concept of software factory (or author) from its commercial operation, in which case and given such novelty, the active “introducer” or “introducers” would pass directly to the commercial operator of “OnMind”.
To date (in 2020), subject to change and in accordance with what has been stated, a percentage is available with other specific plans (in addition to the base plan), the following:
Plan |
% |
OnMind Free |
0% -> Not apply |
OnMind Basis |
20% -> e.g. COP$ 54,000 |
OnMind Nubes |
20% -> e.g. COP$ 90,000 |
OnMind Plus |
10% -> e.g. COP$ 108,000 |
OnMind Virtus |
10% -> e.g. COP$ 162,000. 5% for one-payment license |
OnMind Optimus |
Not apply, reserved by OnMind as described |
Basic package of hours (services) |
5% -> Only with first purchases |
Projects or others packages and services |
Not apply |
For his/her account |
No discount currently applied, built-in apps according to store |
. |
If you have doubts or interest you can contact us and schedule a virtual meeting. COP$ means colombian peso. |
See “apps” according plan
See more about plans
See videos
Thank you for informing yourself
Last Updated: 18-06-2020