
I feel to share certain information that I have been assimilating and facing in my personal life, considering that perhaps who feels sympathy with these writings will find something that will be of help to him as for me the fact of clearing a way in the middle of a dualist world. Sometimes the idea comes to mind that “those who are to meet will meet,” and I believe that many times those who circulate in the same orbit or in nearby orbits will identify themselves.

By duality I mean that which we can observe or experience when in this world there are poles, opposites, issues of nature, different positions, conflicts, contradictory wishes, moments of confusion, a mind whose thoughts seem to come and go without coherence, or simply that there is day and then night, warm or cold.

Understanding that the world often presents you with situations of duality, issues to be resolved on a personal level, and patterns in society may be a necessary step in recognizing something observable. If, for example, a person practicing a religion observes certain things that might be questionable and in which his or her human guidance might give an apparently intelligent answer, it does not necessarily resolve or satisfy his or her understanding.

If we are faced in different circumstances with a duality, perhaps there may be some light or the same duality is raising the need for that light, without darkness, without poles, non-dual in a certain context or sense. That is, to understand some aspects of the experience that might be necessary, maybe some enigmas of this universe. But above all to open the way to the Inner Peace, which is the main objective of study of this text.

There have been masters of spirituality who go through this first facet in which dualism is confronted, There have been masters of spirituality who have gone through this first facet in which dualism is confronted, approaching a semi-dualism where you still move with polarities, apathy, indifference or other less rigorous beliefs, until you reach non-dualism (such as Tao), where you still find in certain practices some aversion, going against something that may be of the nature of this world.

Perhaps it would be necessary to consider different frames of reference or contexts where each aspect can be seen from a panoramic point of view, as if in a table one saw a 6 while who is in front sees a 9. Better yet, another from an elevated position can see both scenarios and their point of view. But what I am trying to say is that a frame of reference for an all-seeing consciousness and a different thought system can take place, a vision from the Spirit while presenting and experiencing the practical things of the world.

In “A Course In Miracles” (ACIM), book of the Foundation for Inner Peace, being for me a great referent for several years, you find a way to see things differently, where you look for Inner Peace while your daily experiences occur in the world, many could be seen in the context of the Miracles. However, I will not go into too much detail about the content of such a course, because if it is a course, like any other that is taken, we will only anticipate what is necessary.

I consider that it opens a panorama where it is not necessary to go against the dualism that is experienced from the frame of reference of the world, rather it is understood in its frame of reference, since to judge it is to give it power or to generate resistance and what is sought is Peace. I would believe that this is what an author, like Gary Renard, has called in his books “pure non-dualism”, a scenario different from those mentioned above (“a fourth stair”).

To my way of expressing it is as if you understand a meta-physical level where only non-dualism has sense but at the same time you follow a practical life in the world, certainly enriched by this vision. However, one is not exempt from a certain pendulum, a coming and going by effects of how a new learning is assimilated. It seems that it is possible to move from dualism to a semi-dualism, but then we may return a little to dualism, or to pass to non-dualism, and we may not be aware of this since this world often envelops us.

“A Bridge to the Miracles” makes a journey of dualist themes that are revised to open up a path towards Peace. I know that it is risky to move in dualism when the intention is to show that there is another perspective, but it is also not a question of denying its context. From there arises the idea of “A bridge to the Miracles”, as a facilitator or door opener to take that personal course where you will have active participation, being first and foremost autonomous. Of course, I’m talking about connecting at the end with “A Course in Miracles”.

There is an account of an older brother, named Andrew, who told his brother Peter that he had found the messiah and essentially led him to a personal encounter.