Whoever has heard of the oracle of Delphi, or of Socrates, will identify this common phrase: "Know thyself. Well, in the sense of Being, which we have been dealing with, this warns to a greater extent of a rediscovery of who you really are.
From the level of essence, we can cite as a premise that the world observable by the senses is a projection of a mind, and this mind is far from being in a brain, although this sounds different from what science can teach you today. Indeed, it is necessary to face experience and the exercise of reason, since it is a resource that has been chosen, often found in different roles and occupations of the individual. Evidently to raise such a premise would not have sustenance for a mind inclined by reason alone that avoids intuition or that lacks coherence in order not to give importance to what may be ridiculous, or what sense would it make to pay attention to it? would it be confronting something? does something resonate inside it?
If at this moment in history there are engineers, scientists, psychoanalysts, philosophers, law professionals and other professions that exercise reason or analysis to a greater degree, it is because they are necessary in practical experience, it is part of what is evident or common. It is also true that our affair is not about the usual exercise of reason that likes to evaluate the behavior of the individual, but is given openness for what little is common to you.
You might find that from a certain perspective of the Being it would not be necessary to reflect on a personality. On the other hand, if science is opened to a greater knowledge then it will come to be rethought, something like a science that considers the essence, at least by opening of deduction or reference, since this universe has origin in the mind that arranged the laws, key factor to take into account. Many times the responsibility of explanations is discharged to the science known as if this were a dogma, is it?
Let us remember that what is being suggested is that the phrase “know yourself” applies above all to your inner being, a perspective different from the one the world is most inclined towards. Indeed, one should consider an aspect as particular as that of emotions.
Sometimes I have been interested in reflecting on certain personality behaviours, or for example what they call the enneagram (basically it is an approach that presents nine types on which personalities and their combinations are based, in order for you to get to know yourself better). That interest may continue to apply to some way for me (from an individual perspective), but has no major significance when other factors are at stake, or from another level that provides you with a new key to understanding. And the reflection on what seems to be happening in our lives can be simple but emotions and above all resistance appear.
The ideas can incline us to an emotional state, therefore, if the beliefs carry ideas these can influence in our emotions in positive or negative. For example, if people believe that they are happier in a couple than alone, then being single would be boring and you should practically hurry to solve it, when instead of believing that you could think about enjoying what you live in the moment, be it an instant, state or a stage in life.
One of the most influential ideas is that you are an ordinary human. It is true that to live the experience some laws are applied and you move between two contexts, but in essence you have the potential of the same source, you can say that the world you observe is projected by the being that you really are. If you have reached this point then you might ask yourself:
What is it that gives the burden of reality to this world? Yes, you. And the collective of aspects like another you, so to speak (the people who actively participate, even without knowing it).
We could cite another idea such as that of guilt or the dependence that derives from it. And that is that although it is propitious to evaluate your attitudes or acts, staying submerged in guilt is of no use. Besides, it can lead you to feel that you are distancing yourself from innocence, as if you were separated or not capable of allowing yourself unconditional Love.
Behind values there are also beliefs and ideas that can influence positive or negative. It should be noted that intuition also contributes to the choice of values, so that this would not necessarily be an idea like any other.
Sometimes it feels like emotions come on their own for no reason, either because of an idea or belief or something that has its origin in a programming, basically another idea. If you need a professional to help you with that you can take advantage of what the world has to offer, but you can also do some personal work to identify when you feel a certain way. Consider the state of life or health, as well as certain fears. However, it can be said that a repetitive idea can influence your emotions and these are where decisions are usually made.
Managing emotions is a personal job and if you have understood that it could be reviewed if there is an idea behind that you can change just keep in mind not to get caught up in the reflection. Sometimes it is necessary to face them, to allow yourself a downturn or a duel, as long as you don’t stay there either. It is common to get confused when logic tells you something but the emotions do not care much or nothing about it, ignoring that is irrelevant, understand and accept it opens the way to get out of the conflict. Resisting resistance seems to generate the opposite effect.
Inner peace may seem like a choice that is reflected as an attitude of the individual. This could be generated by a habit that wakes up when you value it as a treasure, like something similar to being happy. To think about going in that direction would be like betting on the powerful idea that you have access to your own peace, thinking about it would simply be a principle.
I would say that from the essence peace is your natural state so it is your right, but paradoxically a motivator for the peace of the individual is the saturation of suffering, that you come to realize that you do not need more of something after repeated circumstances, that you really want peace or your happiness above many things. This is a frequent trigger to take a different attitude to your life experience.
From the essence Peace is invulnerable, while in the experience must be taken care of and if you are taken by surprise something is called to return to it as much as possible. Hence it is important to observe the emotions, also start a training or resort to certain aids that we could mention at some point. In principle it would be enough with an attitude although it is not usually so, but if you get to the point of enjoying peace in the midst of circumstances you have found a real treasure.
Do not be afraid then if you see projections or others that by their attitudes could perceive a certain envy when you look quiet, and I am not talking about an attitude of relaxation in which you are not considering some aspect of respect towards the other, those things you can distinguish and evaluate. Obviously another could confuse them but what matters is your good feeling and inner intention.
What would give more strength or learning about it? Someone who is totally isolated to live in peace or one who cares for her immersed in the world? While there may be purposes, or it may be good to alternate with the routine of the world at some point, you could draw your own conclusions. I once heard that a factor to identify the level of disciple is that the person has at least 50% + 1 peace in the middle of everyday life, or when there has been a turn where you feel deserving of peace, giving credit to that inner Guide, otherwise surely the person would be interested in other things. As the old Zen proverb says:
When the pupil is ready, the teacher appears.