
Considering that there are currently different sources of information within the reach of masses of renewed interests, and in the same way that in a practical sense of life absolutes are relativized and speaking of absolute truths is careful, or for a different context (for example, to refer to Being or in a logical exercise), something can be discarded or taken advantage of by validating whether that connects with you.

Also, because if you have noticed there are contexts where things are mixed, writings that are considered sacred have the human hand in their midst, and that is part of the duality of this world, being often a mixture of truth and lie. It is not strange that the historical Jesus has little to do with the scriptures. But there may come a time for you when a sweet Voice, though faint, touches your heart and becomes your trust, because something firm is needed and although it is always there for you, it is not always heard. Each one and according to his moment takes a position on the matter since that Voice remains without pretending to impose itself and will be close to you unconditionally being like the voice of intuition.

A piece of life

If I were to be asked today what group, religion or similar I identify with, I would answer that none, simply with my inner feeling that takes the best of each teaching, respecting and discarding that which does not resonate with me, when in the past I came to identify myself with a religion.

I apparently interrupted my professional career (actually continued as if I were a volunteer) and embarked on a path as a missionary, although I got there mainly because of a loving disillusionment that reached a decade at that moment. Another person with another history might take refuge in alcohol, sex, drugs or some excess, in my case a community that was also a support back then. Fortunately, I no longer followed that path of the mission and continued with my career.

As I progressed in that context I began to consider my individual experience more and more, noticing differences with a series of beliefs that finally gave rise to an opening, the necessary to realize that knowing myself I would not feel comfortable silencing my inner voice to submit in “obedience” to a dogma, institution or derivative.

That was part of the process, others can resolve it in another way and continue in the middle of a religion or similar if they prefer, in fact there will be who is worthy to admire, but when reviewing the origin and it is a matter of a loving disillusionment he was somewhat out of place and precisely in a search, and it is true that the one who seeks finds his way, although in the journey it took saturation to know how to choose and listen to the Inner Guide, or if a more common term in our culture is preferred, to the Holy Spirit. I express this with the intention of an approach from a known language.

Example of resonance

Let’s say you find in some communication channel an information with some extreme approach where the financial system could disappear completely, but what would this have to do with the above? I take it as an example to indicate that, except for a quantum jump or extra factor, starting from intuition and observation we can predict that there may still be years on the road for there to be such a radical change on earth if we are not prepared for it, and in the same way that we need a transition on the economic aspect, it is usually necessary for some people the religions and beliefs that could mutate sultily to avoid disappearing or emerging as if they were other groups. At the same time, those with an air of openness and renewing teaching that favours experience and personal criteria with the necessary foundations will be needed.

So that the receiver will know how to receive information or not, depending on how it resonates with it, and given the example you could even take advantage of it to invest financially or, otherwise, get involved in negative emotions and fear. Instead of remaining fixed in tribulations who bets for his freedom, this one must leave from the interior to be able to see the things of another way, beyond the external circumstances, and this could be reflected in the way they act.

Another example of resonance is the theme of extraterrestrials. I have a guideline of reflection to observe that this is the world of multiplicity, with only a common logical sense you would not need to deny the nature of this world, but rather to distrust if any leader, scientist or similar publicly denies it, having the ability to analyze this. You can also validate it if it resonates within you, but above all the resonance would operate if you came to have a true contact with a reliable source, because in this universe you could find more of the same.

Thinking about the possibility of achieving a personal contact would require our own validations but above all of intuition, since if there were evidence little could be useful. Personally, I feel that there are star brothers who could be giving us a hand, not to mention sides.

Resonance and false prophets

Mainly, it is the resonance that helps you to identify if something doesn’t fit but it also requires openness not to be closed to a belief, since that resonance would be similar to intuition but it is another thing if you pay attention to it or if you lose for an instant your own north.

The term “false prophets” is generally known by the scriptures and although it may be welcomed it may also be considered that, if the world moves frequently in the polarities, those who intend to keep or not lose control may designate others as false, so that it would generate more confusion for those who do not notice that as long as a control is pretended its falsity is revealed. Now imagine that in some cases someone moves from one pole to another and finds that it is more of the same, even supported by the same, nothing unusual would be in this world.

The phrase “by the fruits ye shall know them” is a principle but it is usually not enough if the mind is vitiated. It would have to consider what fruits and this could be under the filter of marked beliefs or gratitude for meaningful experiences that influence the person. For this reason, those who feel a halo of light radiating from their hearts will be learning to filter, take the good and discard the rest, or know when something does not need their attention, simply does not resonate. This phrase could also be clarified if it is understood that those followers of any prophet, channeler or other can verify how their own life follows and not that of the prophet, for example, if it has led them to greater peace or inner confidence, a life that distances itself from fear or guilt, opening itself to joy.

Either way, it can take time. That’s why it’s better to follow your your Inner Guide, life opens the way to those who have to surround you according to your resonance, in the end there is no other responsible for the decisions of your life than you.

Perspective of the individual

From the individual perspective, the paths are not necessarily those of the world, the path is traveled with errors and successes, decisions that sometimes incline for some fear instead of what dictates the heart, a learning that if you see it with good eyes you can observe that has been guided or profitable, also while facing this experience you can choose again. Then choose what resonates most with you that is most likely what has been prepared for you, especially if you choose with your Internal Guidance.

Each one comes with a different process and if it is about support and sharing in this world, those who are to meet will meet and have resonance or empathy with each other, it also applies to forgiveness, but the latter is another subject and perhaps extensive.

Following the series of these writings, we came to ask ourselves our true identity, and as we experience the things of the world, it is important to distinguish contexts in the midst of duality. It has been said that your identity points to the divine spark in you and not to the character you are used to. In practice, it turns out to be a process to assimilate it (or at least to be open to it) and whoever is at that point will solve it or will know how to live with it little by little in the best way, but with training, care and the help that is favorable to them.

Considering that while you travel around the world, the role played by emotions and vital energy should not be left aside, the thoughts of the impulsive mind and the personality of the individual, the task and the panorama do not look so simple but I can say that constancy is bearing fruit. One could then speak of a context to refer to the essence and, in a practical sense, to an individual process that cannot be denied, but rather understood.

To connect this with the theme of “resonance”, who has gone through the experience of a system of marked beliefs can warn that they are no longer necessary (rescuing what it serves), but perhaps could also warn the substitution of some beliefs for others, because well, from the context of the character could look like this especially when you get to expose something, different is how you experience it within you (theory vs. inner life) and if something of that can be perceived or comes to resonate. However, there are paths that in essence could be repeating the same thing, everyone will need it or not, if saturation is still required. Precisely you choose something that resonates better with you considering if you have achieved a learning, your way of feeling and being current.

As far as personality is concerned, it can be worked on, oriented, polished or tamed if you see it necessary, as long as it is necessary for you to govern within yourself, and this could be a new contribution to the way of seeing things, reducing the interference of the false self in your apparent way of acting. For that to happen you must have realized something that life has put in front of you, that is, to get to that point first it is necessary to turn the way to see you and see the world assimilating gradually, but it is not about striving for something that you do not feel or give pleasure to the expectations of “another” false self (perhaps fake guide).

From resonance to resonance the guidance system begins to work better and the path is cleared, if your internal compass was being sabotaged by a magnetic field, you see that you get to clarify and indicate the north. Finally, being in essence all one north will end up being the same, and there is no belief, is an internal encounter with your true Self or Christ, although the resource of seeing in the “other” to Christ may help in a context, I am talking here of a deeper event.

So if in the midst of everything you achieve Peace, honor your path and keep in mind to respect the path of the other, if it is to be attentive to something clarify it alone with your Guide and if it is to share something be equally inspired, for example, by being an instrument of Peace whenever you care for it by returning to your inner. But certainly in the world some precede others, this is how I have understood Master Jesus (and other teachers in this life) of whom I am sure you would never be uncomfortable in having access to what is rightfully yours, when about this he came to remember.