Practical Reality

We can refer to practical reality with immediate, observable or subjective synonyms, or like the one you experience where you are and have your attention, the here and now in the world. For example, if you are having a coffee, at that moment that is the reality that is commonly talked about, even if while having coffee you remember a trip to the beach, even if that beach exists or is in another country, the practical thing is that you are still drinking coffee, obviously the beach or the country can exist as a reference in your memory but they are not part of the place where you are having coffee, it is not your reality at the time.

If you hear news about a disaster in a different country, you may be motivated by something and then consider collaborating with those affected by joining a group on mission, while you pay attention to it opens up a potential scenario for that to become a reality, but still not part of your scenario. On the other hand, it is also respectable not to pay attention if you do not feel you can do something, especially if you do not need to increase a sense of low vibration and you may well choose to leave on your way to work, which will be waiting for you with their own circumstances.

It is true that this is relative, for example, if you consider that the earth is a living organism and that its inhabitants are somehow connected, then eventually they could be affected or favored by some event that impacts on your practical life, for example, a domino effect in international finance that affects to a greater or lesser degree. Now imagine if something were to impact the galaxy or a larger system, it could not be seen as an isolated situation, but those would be exceptional things.

Talking about practical reality when the real is inside you may seem contradictory, but it is important to have a language approach as simple as possible, also you can not ignore the experience in which you are situated being the basis for a call to acceptance, to learning, to live in the present, even for a contrast that gives you openness to a turn or milestone in your life, or simply to appreciate or enjoy the journey. In other words, there is no point in denying duality at the same level as this one, because when we find ourselves involved in this experience it would generate great discomfort. Furthermore, a pedagogical objective for the initial stages may be understandable.

However, as long as you verify the insubstantiality of practical reality as a projection with its occurrences, it will make it easier for you to see the illusion landscape. Remember that it is also a resource used for the process of dissipation and remembrance of the original mind. If someone were to question what case has a reality without sustenance and consider interrupting the learning, they should know that instead of coming out of it they could be postponing it, it is highly probable that you will find the same thing again, so that you wouldn’t escape from it but perpetuate it.

You don’t have to be a lamb of the world

Given the conflict that can generate experience a duality, even the suffering that is noticed in a questionable world or many times meaningless, it is best to have openness for a moment of reflection, life itself could be providing it. Resistance increases conflict, if there is anything to be faced perhaps it is because it is required to let it go once and for all. This is far from being a lamb of the world, on the contrary, is a call to empowerment from the essence, although often is something you must work since it requires an effort on your part, the good news is that you still find that strength and the power to do so if you believe it.

A mind open to awakening to its inner truth generally begins to realize that the world can be influenced by various factors, ranging from unconscious guilt, unfounded fears, beliefs and even on our planet a relentless system behind governments or on another level that we are not used to considering. While it can be part of a script, it can be illuminated.

If observable reality turns out to be like fiction, then it will already be seen that some things of fiction can become part of our experience, today you can observe it with technology, movies were made about video calls when they didn’t exist and today they are part of our possibilities. If this is happening then it is already part of your life context.

Returning to our subject, when you notice a pattern or something in your practical reality, you can take advantage of it to change it if it is within your reach or in the prudent time, above all it is an internal position, to see things in another way, that will be reflected externally to a greater or lesser extent. It is from your experience that the lessons of life are assimilated, this is a meeting point where you think that you are not alone but you have an internal Guide who makes use of what you have come to consider as reality, which you could also use to enjoy what you feel, like to do, deliver or share, because you have the right to be happy. If meekness is required, it is with who truly is your Guide by excellence.

The place that belongs to him

If your essence corresponds to reality (because it is the real) and what you experience is only illusory, what priority or place to give it? The place that corresponds to it.

You could still be circumventing the priority keeping an attitude in favor of your essence or not, they will continue applying things to which you have been accustomed, you continue in the middle of what has been current but with a different perspective and enriched. However, there is a twist or inversion, since you are not something physical but the spirit that gives life, therefore the senses are not reliable if they are only biological sensors, this does not mean that you stop using them or that you stop taking care of the vehicle of the body. Precisely, it’s important to keep the practical sense for the things of the world.

Even on the level of the world and with a limited science begins to question the physical. It would lack who pronounces itself to indicate that the physical does not exist but that for example biology is rather a disposition of a mind, a mental game. That does not eliminate neither the practical nor this universe, but it can be a reflection that is used in favor of the vision of the Being.

The point is if you are reduced to a robot of admirable logic denying your own voice, the voice of intuition. As long as you consider yourself a body and associate yourself with the physical, then what cannot be observed or tangible is inadmissible, when what is cannot be palpated by illusory senses. That’s reversed, if you realize that what’s real is inside you, it can be curious to be in the middle of a film and that it questions you, how can you not laugh? and how is it possible that something external or projected needs to prove that you simply are? when a decent film would question the spectator?

I think that when you have been so immersed in a dream forgets that you are the dreamer, so there is no point in debating this with who defends their world because it threatens its foundations, it won’t be that they collapse. On the other hand who discovers a treasure doesn’t raffle it, perhaps share it with those who approach it. What is needed is that those who resound are the Light in the world from their own brightness, sometimes their mere presence something confronts or the fact that most of the time they have quiet or motivated. From the inner opening resounds the call, when the winds change come new opportunities and perhaps a new pedagogy, a world with openness to a deep knowledge, you can also find the friendly side and laugh. You don’t need to change the world either, only your change of perspective can inevitably change things around you.