Resistance and Acceptance

If it relates to some effort, resistance could be understood as trying to stand in opposition to another force, so it would be more like an over-effort or unnatural effort. As far as the emotional aspect is concerned, it would be like opposing conditions or circumstances that a given moment cannot change. If the natural thing in the universe is to flow, to resist would be to go against the current.

Flowing can mean simple gestures of life. For example, if you are a creative person you can flow inspiration and you know that. If things go slowly but there is some movement, it could be that you are flowing, for example, you do not lack food and you cover your financial commitments, of course if you compare it with another time you could feel that you are not flowing as before and even feel that you need to validate what is happening, but keep in mind that in this world nothing remains but everything changes.

If to resist is to go against the current, to open yourself to allow what happens, to your essence and its inspiration then you would be aligned with the flow. If you find yourself trapped in a very dark labyrinth you can hardly see where life is leading you, a scenario that is also propitious for resistance, but if you keep your calm, evaluate whether there is any inconsistency at the moment or if you internally negotiate a time limit and in the end you let yourself be carried away by the current, everything becomes clearer. In the worst case scenario, forgiveness is within your reach, that is also opening yourself to allow new experiences or reap the fruits.

Of course you are not obliged to allow violence, we are talking about life situations due to decision making, perhaps take on the role that corresponds or even let go of something or someone at some point in time. Starting from the practical reality in a pedagogical sense, we will deal with this topic in a practical reference frame or of the world, here common sense helps.

As we tend to observe life from the perspective as a person and we do not have those aspects that come from the unconscious or from a different level, it becomes complicated to read some resistance in the path of our lives, that is, we do not see the whole picture because we ignore something. Carlg Jung said well:

“What you deny submits you, what you accept transforms you.”

The correspondence of things

There are times when life makes you choose. For example, a job that when you take it you realize it’s not what you expected. If beyond some mentality of excessive responsibility or commitment generated you can change jobs then that would flow. If you stay in that job and accept it you would also be flowing, at least you become corresponding without opposing, but if you continue and you are little motivated you would be resisting.

Don’t take the previous example to the extreme. Imagine that someone has been in a company for 24 years, 1 year left to retire and this person is having a hard time at work. Obviously the most common thing is that you generate some resistance, so it is not a matter of changing jobs but to evaluate the most sensible things. Therefore, you can make yourself corresponding without opposing, accepting that you need it and fulfill it for a while assuming it in the best possible way, that would be all. Of course, the point is in accepting, in this case accepting is the same as flowing, where you don’t resist, or at least the things you resisted you already assume with normality since you have a purpose.

Imagine now that it was a marriage where coexistence is not supported. Could be difficult to identify if you are willing to continue in that relationship, talking things over and doing your part. If you continue, as long as a new similar situation arises you have at least three options: continue to accept each other, continue with resistance, or finally, divorce. In terms of resistance, it is convenient to evaluate whether it is for some fear, things can also happen at the moment. If the scenario were that of a marriage of more than a decade it is possible that one has learned to accept each other. However, although it will be more difficult a position that risks what is built, there are also cases in which it is necessary to evaluate if you continue with resistance, accept it or get divorced.

Moving away from the examples and returning to the point with the resistance, it is common to resist but it does not have to be so if you realize that you remain in something that does not give you, or is repeated, ultimately end up getting more of the same, so if you begin to observe this pattern in a unique way is smart to leave that circle, either accepting or resolving if you have within reach another opportunity, or something that can be done in parallel to get out of there. Sometimes considering that life is perfect and waiting for the moment, even if you observe resistance, is a way to open the way to overcome the resistance.

If you don’t have an alternative at the moment, you can agree to negotiate with yourself as far as you could go if you continue in some condition. Consider that it is possible that life also has a purpose under some circumstance in some period of time, however when you become corresponding to a situation that generates resistance to you it may seem that the period is prolonged, hence the importance of acceptance, even if paradoxically you feel that you cannot accept this. At this point, it is not meant to say that by accepting you are a lamb, on the contrary, acting like a lamb without meaning or purpose would lead you to resist. It would be nice here to use the term alinearte, so you can also give yourself some time to align yourself, review some inconsistency of the moment, or perhaps realize that you definitely can’t accept that anymore.

Additionally, while you may feel that you have accepted in a moment and then find yourself in patterns of resistance, you can forgive what you observe no matter how oscillating between returning to your peace and resistance again. This type of forgiveness different from the one commonly known is a subject that has background, just to say for now that behind the resistance there is an idea which has not abandoned its source, so it is possible to make a correction at the level of that source.

Resistance to now or present

The here and now presents us with a call to flow with the moment or to accept it. We often find ourselves reviewing our memories of the past moment or projecting ourselves into the future. From the perspective of the individual, projecting is a common aspect of this experience and can be useful in various occupations, the point is when trying to escape from the present, as you could be generating resistance which can bring more of the same. In other words, resistance does not only apply to circumstances that you would like to change, but also when you divert attention from the present by focusing on the past or the future.

In the practical sense does not mean that you do not make plans or that you erase your memory, but that they come to hold emotions of the past that do not apply to the moment or fears for what will come when it has not yet happened. This is part of human nature but you can realize if you observe it, go one step at a time, enjoy the moment if you can, especially accept it. I know that sometimes that does not seem to be enough but it is a beginning.

Welcoming the present moment is of great help although for me it is not the definitive tool as a philosophy of life, it is simply that what happens happens happens, sometimes in a more pleasant way than another and if resistance is generated nothing is resolved, on the contrary the tension increases, hence the importance of accepting the things you are called to accept in the moment and at the same time consider if it is necessary a change of direction to be viable.

As it has also been said, from a higher perspective, what is happening may have an objective or a teaching. If so, it is best to observe the resistance and enter the now since it gives you a path to Peace, also if you need a moment of relief you can afford in the present moment, that is part of this experience. It is not a matter of resisting resistance through absurd acceptance. This is why in a Peace stage, I connect more with the idea that “everything is perfect”, with this feeling it doesn’t matter if you don’t see a genuine exit in a long time. If you feel that you cannot get out of it at that moment, what else can you do but surrender it to the divine wisdom that loves you, knows you and will know how to show you a light in the crisis, its way out and its purpose.

Could insistence be resistance?

Persistence is necessary and positive as opposed to repetitive insistence that leads to stubbornness, symptom of resistance, so insistence could end up being resistance. There’s a guideline to identify when you are being stubborn, insistent or foolish about something you want, however it is not absolute either but it helps to facilitate something.

The approach, I heard from Gerardo Schmedling, consists of a range of attempts ranging from 1 to 3, then 4, even to 7. For example, you want to travel to a country that asks you for a visa, you process it and they deny it to you at the first attempt, then you insist and so on. If you reach the third attempt you are within the appropriate to distinguish if the universe corresponds to you. At the fourth attempt you begin to be at a point of stubbornness and refusal on the part of the universe, but if you advance and get to the seventh attempt you better be prepared. Being a matter within the normal, ie different from something like trying to launch rockets to reach a planet, if you continue trying is possible that the universe will give it to you, but will be to realize that it was not for you, experiencing as a result a bitter taste, perhaps translate as suffering, but it is possible to forgive yourself or avoid it by following these guidelines.

For my part I have discovered that in the same way as trying to launch rockets to reach a planet there is also a similar case on a personal level that leaves this orientation. This scenario would correspond to someone who has in his destiny to make a masterpiece or more and where it is natural that it takes time or attempts, generally personal projects of more than 2 years, perhaps 5, 10 or much of his life and would provide a service expressing the love that carried that work. That person would combine not only his intellect and other capacities but also some spiritual connection, that is to say, he has several qualities that give him that faculty.

For example, if you have a not so novel project and you don’t feel very connected with the spiritual, you don’t feel that you would endure so long or that your life scenario is very complex because you are married and with children or you don’t meet the necessary requirements on your part, you will know if it applies for you the pattern of the three attempts or if you are called to some masterpiece with a service that is expressed from the love being faithful to your intuition. Although naturally this master in his field questions how to resolve the living conditions, his result will ultimately bear a pleasant fruit, especially within himself a satisfaction for surrender, where any momentary misadventure of the past is forgiven or feels worthwhile. Such is the case of Tesla, among others. In fact, I have heard Dr. Carl Jung talk about sacrifice in life purpose and it is related to the last point I made.

It is curious how the universe can have with one an answer that tells it not to insist and with another an answer that tells it to trust its intuition. This is how each case is different and the guidelines can be useful to us if we keep in mind to honor the guide. In one, apparently accept the no as an answer, in another listen to the voice of intuition, which would be to flow and ultimately accept his hunch.

From another point of view, someone practical might warn that it is better to return to the initial orientation of the 3 attempts, considering that it would not be necessary neither the wear and tear of the fool nor the effort and sacrifice of the master in his field, a point of view both appropriate and questionable if what he is doing is a judgment on a specific person or a necessary design of life.

The Inner Guide is like a shepherd who sees in the sheep of his flock its potentials and respects its freedom, he might also see something different that is not about folly or mastery in a field, since he envisions a potentially greater design, considers and respects whether his sheep feels a need to express itself, if there is a probable path will be seen. Giving advice to another would be delicate, so giving this guideline contextualized, being somewhat risky, is what can be done for everyone to review honestly with their Inner Guide.

Aspects of acceptance

If you accept things that life puts you there without an immediate exit, just as you begin to accept that a person behaves in a way or at least is tolerable, or you accept that that person would also have his own responsibility, then you can also accept yourself and your achievements. For example, being clear that in this world you move in the midst of emotions, you accept that you can exalt yourself, even touch the thin line of anger or anger just before letting yourself be carried away by it, you accept that you can express yourself with some emotion as well as let it go, releasing it as soon as you can, or you forgive yourself if it were the case.

Some crossroads in life are extremely difficult and resistance seems to be at times what comes to the surface, so accepting what you see seems to be foolish, and at those times you may feel that you failed on that path, that it was a big mistake, and indeed it may be from the world’s point of view. The good news is that a journey was made that left a learning experience, or, that this path can be illuminated, but given the world of time, it would be in the terms of time, and you can still forgive yourself for it.

On the other hand, just as you can go looking for alternatives to a situation, you may also be called to reject some things in order to your own respect or freedom, for example, what is not your responsibility you do not have to assume. What is meant is that you have access to your freedom or that it is possible to free yourself from many unnecessary things that are within your reach without generating resistance, on the contrary your burden is relieved. It has already been indicated above, that it is not a question of being a lamb of the world, simply acceptance is a way to keep the Inner Peace, so it should not be interpreted without understanding or foolishness. However, remember that resistance does not bring anything.

When you embark on a path to Peace, your frame of reference or importance of things changes or filters from another point of view. You could allow yourself certain moments where if what you are doing is resisting resistance and more resistance is generated, it is preferable to accept it. Then, along the way you allow yourself fewer moments and less time on it, because they are unnecessary even if you are not always excused. I feel it is possible to get to the point where you make no concessions about it, that is, such has been your training or assimilation that you solve it quickly.

Here we would have to connect with a topic about a kind of forgiveness that we will see later. I also observe with good eyes Gerardo Schmedling, who proposes “Acceptology”, “Mastery in Love for those who do not need to suffer any more”, approaching what he calls “the process of integration within the Order of the Universe”, developing the acceptance of what corresponds to accept in a moment, even without judging. I can say that acceptology considers the approach of the projection of the mind and highlights the importance of taking care of the vital energy in the practical world to preserve peace, among other aspects that could be of interest in practical matters. Likewise, it would require a whole study.