About A Course In Miracles (ACIM)

A Course in Miracles is a book from the Foundation for Inner Peace that came to me from heaven as a gift from a family member in 2014. For me it is a whole practice or mental training where one of the aspects that stand out or work is a new type of Forgiveness, in addition to the Miracles, for example, the miracle of Internal Peace, freeing you from guilt, even unconscious, perhaps cure you of related diseases.

I personally sympathize more with the term “Metaphysical forgiveness” used by Gary Renard, author of books such as “The Disappearance of the Universe”. To my understanding it consists in the mental training of forgiving you and forgiving internally what has never taken place as long as it is understood that you are mind and not a body, and that for that mind or spirit, which is what you are, what happens in the world are just illusions or projections, but it has forgotten it. If you think that talking about nothing having actually happened is very colloquial and noncommittal, I must tell you that it is the opposite because the projection certainly makes you responsible for it.

It is possible that this forgetfulness will be considered in the path of learning that is required given an original confusion, so that at some point you will not need forgiveness or this type of learning experience in a world that does not exist, consisting of a projection to the level of the mind. Adding that this is done with the help of your Inner Guide, or if you prefer to call it, Holy Spirit. In fact it’s done by following Him. Being his great follower is key to the practice of this forgiveness that is done from a different level than the physical one while you follow a life in a natural way.

The training is personal and it is not my intention to describe a text in a few simple lines. It shares what you have validated is good for your life, but it doesn’t have to apply to everyone (in fact it could generate some resistance). One way to give a hint about A Course In Miracles is with an example, but before that let’s look at the next dialogue I’ve prepared to illustrate certain point.

Imaginary dialogue with my Friend Jesus

Imagine you’re dreaming, you’re Jesus’s friend, you feel him as your Brother. Suddenly he appears to you in the dream with his peaceful presence and kindy smile. You greet him, you rejoice, you hug him and how you know he surpassed death you tell him to tell you how he did it. He tells you the following:

The world does not exist, it is only a projection. Now you’re seeing me in the dream but you know I’ve leaved it, I’m not here. To free yourself from the apparent cycle of death and life of this dream, you don’t need to go against it in your own scenario, although in fact there are no scenarios else than in the dream, not even death. You continue there while it doesn’t seem to stop, you use some things that can be useful, you continue with this experience as normal as you can. Now that you feel that it consists of a dream you will need to train your mind for the moment of your departure. Look that I bring you a course, here I leave you exercises that will help you, they reflect my practice. Just keep in mind that it is a different system of thought, in the dream it would be like a vision of unity but it speaks to you of the real. You don’t have to believe in it, nor abandon your beliefs now, although it inevitably unmasks the thought system of this dream. I have come to you because I felt that you were asking for it. You can take advantage of what you see happening to apply the forgiveness I teach you. I suggest you my exercises so that you practice them at the same time that you observe the world of sleep. You would face two different levels, one brings the vision that I offer you, the other the projection that you are used to see, like when you’re busy and you remember something about your house. It is possible that this time, at the time of leaving the dream or what it is called death, you find yourself light and ready to feel something like an alarm clock, it will be time to get out of it instead of continuing dreaming. Courage, do not pretend to do it alone because you have a true Guide who is the Voice that whispers inside you. Remember that I will be with you every day until the end of the dream. I give you my Peace.

About metaphysical forgiveness

Let’s see a brief narration of a scene about these particular situations in this world…

Once at lunchtime, I was at my mother’s house when a storm came up in a glass of water. Suddenly someone knocked on the door instead of the doorbell and not calculating its force, it sounded rude. We looked at each other in surprise at this interruption. Then when we opened the door the person spoke of an address and made a point of demanding payment of the bill when none of us present had any knowledge of such a commitment. Someone else in the family had requested the address or service without communicating it, and when we tried to call him on his mobile number he did not answer.

The situation went from slightly uncomfortable, by inturrupting the plate of food, to generating some discomfort and I ended up getting involved. So it was as if it was a favor that required money for payment of a service for a third family member and never communicated or responded to the call. The attitude of that person was demanding and certainly when the door was opened we were not in the best mood to stop what we were doing, and with the way he was knocking my face and my voice already reflected the discomfort. And so began a discussion at that lunch.

Sometimes in the middle of living together emotions come up and increase with the interaction regarding the other person’s response and you don’t even realize it. When you have been having a good intention to clarify something, you can still get caught up in a mess. Everything responded to a script and although I was noticing it, it took me several minutes to get out of that game, and who I initially supported, although she tried to clarify things, joined with the other family member who arrived a while later to point out my attitude of discomfort, and I did not understand what it had to do with that commitment, deviating from the initial situation and increasing the discussion. As I said, a storm in a glass of water.

For a moment it seems that the blame game could condemn anyone, so in your mind you can forgive that event, recognize that there is no point in judging or self-judging, that there is an ego trick, that any apparent guilt is dispelled by recognizing that the world is illusory, that you don’t need to make the guilt real or have any condemnation, then you face it and forgive yourself, you also forgive such an event. What makes it difficult is to hold on to an ego, your image and special relationships, and it is true that sometimes it is necessary to clarify something, but to release the guilt should identify with your essence rather than a person. It is not that you can never defend yourself by admitting, for example, an intolerable violence, you simply refer to another context to observe things under the Light.

Those who like analysis can examine all the points or deduce things and find explanations, but how much of that is needed when you don’t know what is in the unconscious or other factors you don’t know? No analysis is needed if you go directly to the point where a projection of the unconscious becomes evident without requiring details that you would hardly have within reach, although they could be revealed to you by acting in harmony with the Spirit, without judging them with an egotistical attitude, for an omniscient God modality with an attitude of false self has nothing to do with the innocent mind of which UCDM speaks.

Considering an inner empowerment or internal responsibility with your essence, independent of who is right in an argument and precisely even if you were a nonsense given that the other has an expectation of you, would you sentence yourself for it or someone else? What is the case with being trapped, be judged or judge the other?

This to take the two contexts, you are spirit and in the practical sense you find yourself interacting in an experience of the world. But since when must the experience of the world suppress your ultimate truth? If you are a spirit, what power has that which is illusory from the spirit? Ultimately, how do you do it considering what you see is a projection?

So you breathe, you stop, you cease to defend yourself if you did, even if it doesn’t matter how things apparently turned out or if you attend to it at a later moment, but without a doubt, if you learn to stop it is because you have acquired practice. Turning to your inner self you apply what has been called “metaphysical forgiveness”, which refers to a mental context, it would be like overcoming what drives you the vision of the ego and instead see things with that Inner Guide who reminds you that the world is a projection, you can forgive yourself whatever corresponds to you, what you projected or comes out of an unconscious, forgive the situation or the other, with the intention of continuing without resentment and without the need to address people. You face it for a moment and give it to the Holy Spirit or Inner Guide so that what has been projected will be corrected or healed.

In other words, people are used to a system of thought proposed in the world. Metaphysical forgiveness is the choice for a different system of thought, the Voice of the Guide par excellence. To dare to consider or remember that you are spirit and that you can access this new system of thought, is to think as God would think and not as the world. If you find that unacceptable, it is curious that you should arrive at this point. But if you consider that you are one with the source, you have access to this system of thought, so that the decision-maker (who you are in essence) will be able to choose each time in a different way from the world, as long as he observes the error above the battlefield. It’s like, dare to think like the Absolute and remember the innocence of the Spirit, from there the Unit, having recognized you.

You refer to a metaphysical level but at the same time you follow a practical life in the world, in fact you use it for this practice. There will be things that are assimilated or healed over time (some few as if you are on a slow, prolonged, and lighted fire), ultimately the practice makes the master and what requires that attention is observed for a moment to be healed or adjusted accordingly in the mind.

What can we understand by Inner Peace?

All this that we have talked about turns around Inner Peace. If you wonder what it means, I would say that it is the same thing that is expressed. We can also clarify what it is not. For example, it is not the peace of the world or of your neighbor as an individual, but this Peace can influence the world, its society and individuals, since in its essential aspect they participate in the same aspect of you. And as we have spoken of a projection that originates in a certain mind, if you focus on its origin you will see that it will end up being reflected in the external or in your context of life.

Inner Peace also does not mean that a person never gets irritated or never experiences uneasiness, fear or anxiety. What it means first is that one seeks an inner place where one enjoys a certain Peace and to a good degree it will be reflected in the person. If the person loses peace, he or she can breathe and go to a Peace that has not been lost within his or her essence.

The ego is often uncomfortable with Inner Peace so the individual may be agitated with worldly issues, but can realize this and choose Peace again, no matter how many times it takes to do this.

The most severe judge is your conscience

I might add that with the exercise of this kind of forgiveness you seek your stillness by thanking for remembering who you really are, by proclaiming your right, for you are worthy of the divine source when it runs through your whole being if you feel it, regardless of what you see in the world since you hardly know what is behind a veil. It often happens that the most severe judge is yourself, this is why if instead of innocence you have a mentality of being a sinner, guilt, karma or similar, such belief or sentence will be according to your judgment, regardless of whether it is correct or not.

I note here a risk in personality structures, ideas or beliefs, or generous feeling inclined to experience instead of your inner voice, for I have observed that in the mind (or on a subtle level that is not the absolute, perhaps what people call the soul) might eventually give rise to a sense of perfection out of context, not very appropriate when referring to a way of proceeding in the world that does not apply as in the spirit. From here it is important to send the signal to the unconscious to remember the innocence of Spirit and the deserving access to the Divine Being that you are, if you open yourself to remember or become aware of this.

I mean that it is important to open yourself to the innocence of your Being since you have not regularly been taught when what has been instilled in you is guilt (to you or to the other) or you have identified with something wrong about who you really are, and it is part of what is acquired through the practice of “A Course in Miracles”. This also leads you to open up to unconditional Love with yourself and will be the basis for expressing it with a freedom that cannot be manipulated.

I have little pleasure in memorizing numbers of biblical quotations and I do not frequent the Gospels at present, however, in relation to the aspect of empowerment, what do you think of this quotation?

And in your Law it is written that the testimony of two persons is valid. I am the one who bears witness to myself and also the one who sent me, the Father, bears witness to me". (Jn. 8:17-19)