Although one could speak of approaching what is contemplating the present moment, the here and now, I want to refer above all to the essence, unmasking the false self enough so that it does not become violent or pass into resistance. However, in this world there are those who do not like injections and still require them. So I hope you find yourself in good spirits or with the attitude at the height to face this issue.
It has been commented on a previous occasion that I am not my worries, I am not my defects, I am not my unceasing thoughts, I am not my impulsive mind, I am not my sufferings or sorrows, I am not my faults, I am not my stumbles or failures, I am not my mistakes, I am not my judgments, I am not a sea of emotions, I am not my personality, I am not my ideals or desires, I am not a biological organism, I am not a body.
In essence you are the divine spark, the voice of your intuition and the spirit that gives life. However, when we move on a more accustomed plane or in the external world we seem to mingle with what is not, then it would be understood if an identity conflict takes place.
As it is often easier to observe another, sometimes finding characters out of series, those masters of life that can be uncomfortable being easy to raise that the false self opacifies the true light, so that we refer to the Light when there is obfuscation is difficult from the experience in the world. However, everyone can go through moments of blurring to a greater or lesser degree and when observed in external cases that seem extreme it is also an opportunity to give testimony or presence of the Light that is in you in a healthy context, it can be something simple without the need to go to the extreme or expose you.
The divine spark, essence or aspect of Light that is expressed through experience in the world in you is the truest, that voice of intuition that is often difficult to hear is your own Voice, however recognition and how you face it can be gradual since in a dual world it can be difficult to become clear, sometimes this confronts duality or generates a defense of an aspect that may feel out of control, so to speak (the ego).
The exercise of moving to a context and mental plane of unity where you can see the other innocent, free of his form and personality, free of his acts, as a figure that vanishes before what is, is a challenge for the mind that had never raised it or just began this training. And although advances and still remain a challenge, is a call to the memory of innocence that is also yours, of course, speaking from a metaphysical level, but what is escapes from the physical since we are mind and not a mix that doesn’t fit.
That which is remains innocent, intact and invulnerable since its origin is beyond this plane and has nothing to do with a world of characters and forms, nor with vibrations.
It is convenient to gradually assimilate what has been said since, as has been said, it may represent an attack on what you have considered to be. This also does not mean an openness to deny what is, because what is always is even if you pretend to deny it, understanding that in the face of the marvelous and beautiful of what is there is no place for what does not take place. In what is One there is no place for the world of appearances or characters that appear and disappear like in a dream.
However, it is a matter of confronting this experience with emotions, feelings, the vehicle of the body, thoughts and influences from other thoughts, such as frequencies that are sometimes captured or transmitted, regardless of whether they are the best or not, and of course, personality and character, so it doesn’t seem so easy to identify the voice of intuition that speaks of you.
A key to identifying the right thing is to make decisions from love or peace rather than fear, desperation, obfuscation or guilt. Adding loads of guilt is not what would indicate intuition, different is that in your heart indicate a correction for your mind. Learning to listen to intuition is precisely a task due to the confusion of duality, even if you are told to observe the signs, images that come to mind, some dreams, songs, repeated numbers, patterns of situations, that would be a necessary principle. To my understanding, as long as you clarify or listen to the voice that speaks your essence through proper training, it would be like having an advantage by finding yourself in the labyrinth of this life, no matter you still run into tangled passages, the exit would be within reach.
How do you propose to solve the mixture that we seem to be? One way to express it is through the recognition of each thing or level. You recognize what you see with the senses as you find yourself attending to it even though because of the other level you can see it now as a projection but you continue with that apparently individual experience in a natural way. You recognize that what is real is in you and that you have the Voice of a Guide who reminds you of unity and with whom you correct the causes of what is presented in the world, using it as a resource. Previously, the world has been denied but not from its own level, in fact you find yourself taking care of it, so it could have a better attention or perspective.
If the vision of a world that originates on a mental plane were to be better understood in society, there would be greater openness to scientific and spiritual knowledge that could even bring a new kind of advancement and a society with a tasteful environment of peace.
Imagine that from a mental Universe, or from an aspect of the original Mind, a curious idea led to dream a world of illusions where the mind seemed to separate into many minds. Such a fractionation seemed innumerable even if it was only a mental game of separation that has never taken place in what is One. This approach is inspired by “A Course In Miracles” and it would be important to refer to what it says if you take that course.
But given that it turns out to be a mental or virtual game it is possible to take an individual process to the sense of integration or correction, however, such a journey or integration is also part of that illusion but from the perspective of the individual it can be like an experience or challenge, perhaps necessary or not.
A cosmology such as this gives us a vision that can facilitate our understanding and position in front of this universe. In my personal puzzle it has been essential to make a certain distinction and I believe I share a reading on ACIM close to Dr. Kenneth Wapnick and Gary Renard. From Spirit the world does not exist, the ego has no place in the original universe, nor its system of thought. Using metaphorical language, it seems that the ego was the result of a confusion due to a crazy idea of believing that a universe separate from God was possible. Here is where an identity problem has arisen.
Although the individual experiences the world, which has become a classroom, and an individual ego seems necessary to act in practical life, you are not the ego, deep within you is the essence of the Innocent Son of God, so from there no guilt, no fears, no evolution, no universal laws apply, nor do you have to integrate any shadow. You are called to this inner recognition of the Christ Himself by accessing your true identity.
When you begin to understand who you are and the falsity of separation you will see things simpler, although of course, the ego does not like the simple and it is true that in life you have to consider a practical sense, although you could face a repertoire of knowledge and practices, a variety of things that could be unnecessary from the viewpoint of the Absolute Spirit that does not require them.
You can also access the knowledge of this universe to take advantage of it but it should not be forgotten that it is a matter of a game, an illusion, something that involves magic, and keep in mind who you are identifying with, or what system of thought you are embracing at any given moment. If you observe a posteriori that you experience fear or distress, then you have chosen the ego’s thought system, but you can choose again with your Inner Guidance, in this sense you do not have to deepen your knowledge of the laws of the universe for that.
The process is experienced in an individual way, in this sense, the importance of your role in your path should not be underestimated although I feel that in the end it would underestimate the momentary sufferings but it is understandable to consider them for a moment if that is part of what you’re experiencing while you are on your way back home.
Of course it is valid to laugh as well as to cry, you can afford it, hopefully without extending it, since things happen before our eyes but what Is remains. I know that in some more than others it seems that unnecessary memories remain that are part of the past, sometimes you only need to take it out with someone who knows how to listen as there are also professionals and therapists for it in this world, andof course techniques that can help, but it is better simply to live the mourning as well as get up, the practice of forgiveness that has been suggested above bears fruit, I am a witness of it.
I would like to refer from the individual perspective or mind as a focal point of divinity, as if each point or aspect were essentially the divinity, the source itself, although this is only an approach within the plane of the world that considers opposites, contrasts or mixtures that have nothing to do with the Being. Where the radiant Light bursts in, shadows dissipate, and darkness has no place. What is it then that one is called to love? something without sustenance or that which is? from where can self-love be founded?
In practical reality we are not exempt from falling into the games or affronts of presenting this world so this question is simply an approach to keep in mind at some point as a training mode, not as an imposition. However, it helps a lot to recognize what it is to distinguish it from what it isn’t so that you don’t believe any story or hold onto something you don’t need, although you may be grateful internally sometimes.
Obviously, you can observe attitudes in a world of characters that is not to pretend that everything is pink but that you find nuances and in many cases do not talk about what it is, or are presented to confront the memory of what is. But if you talk about what it is applying to the plane of the physical world, you run the risk of staying there, even seeing the body as if it were a god or a hero when what it is is inside you. The body simply takes care of itself, you need it for a profitable journey.
On the other hand, thinking about the unity within this world refers us to expressions like “I am here and I am there”, “I am that tree and everything I observe”, something to be careful, not because it is denied as a potential experience but because in the end there are no things in the Self, one would still be dreaming perhaps lightly.
God is, nothing more. Of course this denies the observable universe, any entity or person, but it would be on a different plane. However, one of the planes must be the real one and while you are here you feel as if it is possible to remember it, even to experience it, above all because you are holding the dream, but the dreams dissipate when the dreamer is called to rise.
Life is a way of learning and what you learn gives you enough bases, although these can be validated at some other time, so that if you recognize your inner voice you will know how to distinguish and act with a certain freedom in the world, although Freedom is beyond. If you feel like saying something to someone who is in a disrespectful attitude at a certain moment, you can do it well, in the same way what you consider that it would be the most intelligent or wise thing, in addition you have an Inner Guide always within your reach.
We are in essence one, on the plane of the world perhaps projected as the immeasurable as well as the aspect or spark that can shine if you let it Be. But if the Light seems to go out, which brings us back to what it is, what will it take to remember what it is?