A bit of cosmic laws

In this universe there are laws that can be validated by observation, each one under a context or frame of reference so they would not be the last word, or simply take place to its application at a certain time and circumstances, it is not intended to deny them at the world plane either. In fact, within the common if someone moves in the frame of reference where it applies a law is made corresponding with it, regardless of whether it knows it or not. However, many times we may be looking for rules or assigning laws when things may be simpler.

If the universe is seen as a great mental illusion or a state of dreams, then it would have to be understood that it never had a beginning nor does it have an end in itself, nor is it infinite. It seems that the world or universe of phenomena is very careful not to present itself in this way, or it has been impossible to suppress a certain order in the middle of chaos. Precisely, being suspicious that illusions have certain hierarchy, their universal laws can be considered, an order in the midst of chaos, a Light.

We have spoken of two distinct systems of thought, that inspired by the Absolute Being and that of the immediate Universe, or that of the Spirit of Truth and that of the Ego of the world. “A Course In Miracles” shows us the system of thought of the Holy Spirit, it refers us to an original Universe in which there is no place for opposites, nor anything other than Love, nor is there any place for chaos, vibration, energy, nor magic.

In this sense and in the approach of the text of “A Course In Miracles”, it can be identified that the laws of the world that we observe have arisen from the influence of an Ego or come from it. How these can be reinterpreted and reoriented then perhaps it would have place to consider laws according to a wisdom and a love. However, being strict and clear, we can put everything in its place, the laws condition, perhaps they are necessary in this world, but that they come from Love does not make sense in the system of thought of the Spirit, because from its point of view such laws only apply in a universe without sustenance or in a disoriented mind.

Based on the above, any postulate on law would be under the frame of reference of the world of multiplicity or duality, even if it is to a degree that tends to zero, distinguishing itself from the mental universe of the unity of the Being that can be remembered in parallel while you experience this universe or world. If multiplicity, duality or separation can involve different frames of reference, these would take place within the same context. While the Absolute simply Is.

When one hears talk of “Consciousness” one would still be on the limits of the context of duality, since it supposes the inclusion of an opposite as well as an “I”, while the parallel plane that has been indicated is Unity without place to shadows. It does not mean that information, creation myths, experiences, self-help techniques or others are denied, although some of it could be questioned, what is being indicated is that they still correspond to the frame of reference of a conventional universe, different from the one that has been introduced.

I consider that sometimes knowing aspects of duality, even at an apparently deep level, could be useful to distinguish which plane you are moving on. If you find this topic more advanced or with too many technicalities, you can perfectly skip it.

The Law of Attraction

To begin with, let’s talk about the Law of Attraction that has been heard since a couple of decades in a more open way. This law is based on your mind attracts what you have your attention. Even if you consider its context of application to the positive, you may sometimes find that it would seem more favorable with unpleasant things, as if you would attract more of the same without making any distinction, however those who have better results show that the positive, dreams or ideals can be exponential and even new challenges arise.

A couple of authors

Since desires seem inevitable in a practical sense you do not have to go against this, some can be oriented or take place from an inspiration, considering the risk of being on the tightrope of suffering, so it is convenient not to depend on the outcome or forgive yourself. I once got to hear Abraham-Hicks who focuses in a specialized way on this subject. I believe that this source can be of help to many as a motivator and not so much for the Law of Attraction itself, respecting of course its contribution.

On the other hand Neville Goddard emphasizes “the feeling” being the key to manifest from what you are, placing you from a higher plane or what he calls “your own marvelous human imagination” (consciousness or I Am) from where everything is already by what takes place the assumption of things, differing from authors who remain in the desire or simple thought. In order to this, the great secret comes from recognizing your essence and not the law itself.

I have also come to hear the formula “attention, intention, no tension”, the last part being similar to letting go so as not to depend on the result or the time. Personally, I have been pleased to receive the recommendation of the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, where everything begins with a fervent and authentic idea, the determination to put it into action seeking a plan, also developing aspects such as auto-suggestion, imagination, the subconscious mind, until arriving at the sixth sense.

My thoughts on the law of attraction

Summarizing, thoughts can influence our experience but for me it is suspicious when it is sought to justify that if this law does not work it is because a person did not do things well to attract what he/she wanted as if it always had to work and there was no other perspective, or as if it were the law par excellence, an absolute in the world of the relative, which makes it look ridiculous. While when you attract things that repeat themselves due to resistance it coincides in that it works. Therefore, I prefer the concept of correspondence and flowing with life that does not have to be associated with desires. Without reviewing the issue with desires for now, I consider detailing some aspects, namely:

And what if all is well and you are fulfilling the function of forgiveness, however you deserve a liberating environment but your presence in a living environment may be fulfilling a purpose, even if for a moment it seems uncomfortable to others and to you. Finally, accomplished this you will see the way out, so it is important to keep the Peace and trust your intuition, your inner voice, while also forgiving what comes up (these are opportunities for deep forgiveness).

Another way of looking at the latter is that from the essence to the end it doesn’t matter what happens, in fact it doesn’t feel that way as long as you experience it. However, as long as you resist, more of the same is generated, making you correspond to what this law may supposes, so you experience it that way. Certainly, it takes self-understanding, patience, trust, faith, strength and acceptance or helplessness. The saturation or implacability of this law, which may seem like a wall, may prepare you for new scenarios in which you will know how to better orient your thoughts, emotions and will, then you will know how to choose better or make decisions well oriented from the essence.

Consider that if you feel you are a spiritual person and you find yourself very low in spirits, in the storm you can also reach the intense point in the middle of the storm, or, in the period of a dark night you find the darkest night of the soul. If you are going through or have gone through it, then you will see that everything passes, your soul will have been enriched. In conclusion…

So you think there is a law of attraction? Well, use it. But if you want positive results first bet on an environment of Peace, hence the need for the forgiveness we have been talking about.

The question with the effort, law of sowing and reaping

Another aspect to consider is the thought that no effort is required to reach your goals. The idea of effort was instilled in our society as something positive and to praise when it doesn’t have to be that way. On the other hand, when you begin to hear that the idea of effort is wrong, if it is taken to an extreme it can also fall into error. I think it’s important to rescue the feeling you deserve but there are considerations as to the nature of an issue. For example, if you refer to building a ship for a space trip requires your dedication, expecting it to be built overnight would be foolish in our practical reality. Unless you find yourself in a higher mode where simply thinking about it brings up the ship, but it makes no sense for you to make one if you can travel with thought.

Simply speaking, there are things that require effort. It is true that the word “effort” lends itself to ambiguity since it does not feel that way when you do what you really like and enjoy, however in these cases you take care and not little, that is why this language also requires good understanders as well as coherence with the nature of things. If you handle a mind reference frame, then you can understand that you don’t have to do anything from such a plane, different in practical reality. For this reason, there are those who say that there is a law of sowing and reaping.

The Kybalion and its laws

The Kybalion is a book that is associated with Hermes Trismegistus around what is considered to be hermetic philosophy or the seven principles of hermetic alchemy, although it is likely that some of his disciples may have been the authors. The first principle of Kybalion refers us to the metaphysical or mind plane, reflecting on others the experience of duality.

For those who like the subject, it can be useful to know the principles that operate in this universe and know how to distinguish it from the thought system of the Absolute Being where there are no opposites, no vibrations, no energy and no cosmic laws.

Principle of Mentalism

The All is mind; The Universe is Mental

It could even be said that the universe originates from a mind, only that it would have to be detached from the physical or from a brain, in fact both visible and undetectable matter would take place in that mind which denominates ALL. In other words, Living Spirit in whose mind we live we move and have our being.

Principle of Correspondence

As above, so below; as below, so above. As within, so without; as without, so within

A relationship of the macro with the micro can be observed in the universe, and in the opposite direction, in the micro there are patterns similar to the macro. Everything is related in some way, even what is outside is related to what is inside. The latter would resemble what Carl Gustav Jung called “the mirror”.

Principle of Vibration

Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything vibrates

What we observe exists is a representation of a vibratory state. If we leaned on the known science we would find the concept of atoms in motion with some vibratory charge. In that context, the highest level of spiritual vibration would be where ALL is originated. This principle also responds to the graduality of many things, it would be like moving a radio-frequency knob to tune a station, in this case would correspond to a state. If one were to observe a certain similarity with the teachings of the Buddha, one would be talking about the law of impermanence.

Principle of Polarity

Everything is dual; Everything has poles; Everything has its pair of opposites; Like and unlike are the same; Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; Extremes meet; All truths, are but half-truths; All paradoxes may be reconciled

We have spoken enough about that duality that corresponds to the level of form or the world. Ying and Yang. In this universe the concept of opposites could be properly focused from a favorable wisdom, for example, to remember what is joy could go through sadness, to distinguish what is calm could be necessary storm, to fervently desire Peace or consider it as true treasure could need saturation of suffering.

Principle of Rhythm

Everything flows, out and in; Everything has its tides; All things rise and fall; The pendulum swing manifests in everything; The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; Rhythm compensates

It would be like combining the principle of vibration with that of polarity. Consider a constant movement of things that can be seen as a pendulum, back and forth, considering compensation. As I see it, one could also think of an upward spiral even if one experiences real setbacks or something similar but to a higher vibrational degree, or else, in the pendulum would be to reach stillness. On the other hand, you may observe the principle of rhythm in emotions or in events that present a strong contrast, suddenly you reach an achievement and other opposite news may reach your ears.

Principle of Cause and Effect

Every cause has its effect; Every effect has its cause; Everything happens according to law’ Chance is but a name for law not recognized’ There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law

Basically, if effects are observed, it’s due to some cause. In the concept of karma it can be identified that aspects of this principle are related. Currently I see it rather as a projection where the cause is in the lens but not in the projection screen. If it is corrected to the original level it will end up being reflected in a corresponding way in the projection.

Principle of Generation

Gender is in everything; Everything has its masculine and feminine principles; Gender manifests on all planes

It could be understood as the polarity applied to a masculine and feminine essence as poles of creation. Its focus refers from higher planes to its pattern in biology or sex. The feminine creates and the masculine sustains it.

In “A Course In Miracles” it could be related to the concept of “separation”, understanding that the separation that this universe presents can also be found in polarity and vibration, even cause and effect are perceived to be separate in this world. It can be said that the separation game is a trick from another level and it was a crazy idea.

Other approaches

There are other perspectives or information with a more detailed orientation such as the universal laws proposed by Gerardo Schmedling and the school of magic of love, which would require a whole study. However, to consider any law refers us to the thought system of this universe and escapes the vision of “pure non-dualism”, but when you listen to Gerardo’s audios reflects a very practical sense for the individual (what he calls acceptology has already been mentioned before).

Gerardo shares with us an understanding of universal laws that obey the mechanisms of the universe, the world, even society, as well as practical laws of daily life that provide us with verifiable guidelines in our experiences of the world in a personal way. Of course, I recommend and invite you to explore this wisdom.

On the other hand, whoever has heard of something like the law of evolution, or the idea that one evolves in the universe, can be welcomed and would be placed above the law of attraction in the order of resolving its application, being that which focuses on the purpose of life as well as taking into account that which is no longer needed according to a process considering a universe that seeks certain efficiency, in my interpretation, could be translated into forgiveness. Without denying that it is possible to verify or have information on good teaching, I also do not feel denied that someone reaches enlightenment by making quantum leaps. Wouldn’t it be inefficient to spend eons of eons of evolving years? As well as demotivating from our perspective.

Who, for example, by following in the footsteps of the Buddha truly achieves enlightenment, would be making that quantum leap, and perhaps it consists of a leap without distance. For my part, in addition to considering Gerardo Schmedling’s acceptance of the practical questions of the world, I feel that the vision and assimilation of opportunities for forgiveness according to “A Course In Miracles” (ACIM) leads us to the dissipation of this universe. In principle to train our mind by doing a simple and direct analysis that consists of what you see is only a projection based on separation, learn to stop you, then forgive the illusions in the metaphysical sense, recognizing the Innocence of Christ in yourself or in the other, and to entrust it to the Inner Guide or Holy Spirit. It is a remembering or a recognition of Innocence, and not a consciousness of guilt, thus the Unconscious guilt is undone by the Holy Spirit, to that instance you don’t have to do anything.

Orientation from “A Course In Miracles” (ACIM)

As it has been said, ACIM brings us a system of thought different from that of the world, from that frame of reference that opens the doors to the Absolute Spirit, and in this it is so different. It is said that this system of thought can also be identified in the Gospel of Thomas. In the world you find teachings that bring benefits to our lives and can even be combined, however, if you understand the system of thought of the Holy Spirit exposed in ACIM, you will find things that cannot be reconciled with other teachings, except for some practical matters.

For example, the practice of focusing on the now, meditation, prayer, decrees, exercise, yoga, balanced eating, to care for the vital energy, psychological or energetic therapies, are all things that may have a practical consideration for our lives if that’s how you feel, but none of these achieve the goal of undoing the illusions of the Ego. In fact, the now consists in the observation of a past, although it can be welcomed in a good sense or as a favorable state in the midst of illusion but does not undo it, neither does meditation itself.

If you believe in the evolution of the universe and its efficiency, paradoxically, in the face of UCDM’s approach you may suspect that this universe is genuinely efficient and that evolution makes sense, and yet it can be abbreviated and dissipated by this efficient path that his text presents to us.

On the other hand, what in a teaching is the work of love or wisdom and perhaps is in the right direction, in ACIM is still far from true Love and Wisdom, since this meaningless universe is not the making of the Father and has no place in His Creation. The observable universe is a mental fabrication or projection by an aspect of Mind, which we may call the Son. Moreover, you should not seek to befriend an Ego that would wish to eliminate you, although we are not speaking here of the egoic aspect of a person but of another instance. The laws of this universe have no place in the original Universe of Spirit and are to the liking of the Ego, but not of the Father or Original Source who is unaware of the universe of projection and illusions. His Universe is simple, it is said:

“God Is, nothing else” (and then we keep silent)