Karma and similar?

When it is observed that there are effects that are due to causes is often related to what they call “karma”, adding that it also refers to a point of compensation, ie you can cancel the negative with the positive, or if even a person exceeds in delivery this will be paid to return things in your favor until everything is annulled so you can get out of this game or wheel.

Karma can have an applicable context, understanding that everything depends on each person’s consciousness. For example, if someone were to distinguish what is from what is not and acquire inner clarity, he could often let things go, secure an attitude where, instead of being fixed, things happen as an observer, consciously transmitting to his subconscious that finally no karmic wheel will take place at the moment of his final liberation, that is, that karma does not take place if that consciousness assimilates beyond this the innocence of what it is, rethinking old beliefs about it.

However, it is not common to reach that scope, nor do you necessarily get rid of certain circumstances that come to be observed as patterns of karma, when you do not have the path and mental training for it. So it can be understood that you are not necessarily free from the realm of what is called karma if you relate it to some unconscious guilt that you can’t control, but it doesn’t really have to define you either, but it requires reaching a level of consciousness that can be within your reach.

Karma and sin does not exist, nor does guilt take place before the innocence that God sees in his beloved Son, only through the effects of beliefs does a consideration take place since there is no judge more implacable than your own consciousness. In this way, if the idea of sin is accepted by a person, it becomes corresponding with that consciousness, remaining subject to that belief, and since “ideas do not abandon their source” (approach found in UCDM), hence their effects.

When independently of the belief an individual perceives an attack, given that in the collective unconscious he still remembers that it is a one mind, would be a self-attack and metaphysical forgiveness would grant a self-forgiveness, there is nothing and no one to deprive you of this, only yourself. Returning to who has consciousness of sin would be feeding a self-condemnation without talking about the effects of those guilts in order of belief. Generally, people with very strong beliefs when judging or self-judging may have a greater load of guilt, tool of fear as opposed to love. Greater effects if not opened to a deep forgiveness. By replacing belief or opening the mind, one always has access to the memory of innocence. To give place to this substitution is as if in a first step it is said with the inner knowledge that: Before the memory of Innocence and the Truth that I Am dissipates all illusion, God is and nothing else.

Which conscience is more relieving? One that reinforces from fear the idea of sin, or one that accesses the welcome of innocence from a healthy and loving sense? To taste the condemnation or to welcome the love? Hold guilt or to enlarge its panorama with beliefs that nourish it is not reasonable, what is behind it?


Is it possible to incarnate again? If the idea of reincarnation seems to be of common use in certain contexts, then you might know what it usually suggests but the term is confusing. It has been very much related to those who refer to karma, it can also be seen in other way. If we move from the perspective of the mental plane, as long as there are no bodies, there is no incarnation, hence neither something like incarnating, nor death. You always are, in essence you are eternal.

On the other hand, from the perspective of the individual and from a point of reference it would be seen that a person disappears or dies, or simply makes the transition from this world, but fulfilled its time line or life and would not reincarnate that personality or individual as such. Hence from the perspective of the individual continues to apply the feeling that you have only that chance of life and is very valid.

Of course, from a practical point of view one can speak of reincarnation without being purist or strict with the expression of language, but in this case logical aspects have been raised that language itself ends up helping to confront it. To make it simple, when someone speaks of reincarnation it is generally understood and even welcomed, it is admitted to facilitate an understanding.

But what is understood? This would be a theme that has a connotation to develop better. For now it is enough to say that you experience processes from a larger plane to the observable world, a panoramic view of multiple stories that could even be happening at the same time, multiple individuals that relate with a mind. What some would call soul, which is constructed as if it were a cumulative archive of experiences and has a bigger panorama than your current self as an individual, even if it is related at the same time to yourself.

A brief view on Soul Mates

We have seen that in this world or universe a generating principle can be observed which is repeated to any degree. From there the idea of soul mates takes place. This idea is complicated when there are authors who present a difference between flames and kindred souls, so that you do not know if they are two or if it is preferable to distinguish which type of soul is the most genuine or generates greater connection. Others inform us that there can be several soul mates, in fact, I heard from someone that from a certain level of the universe the souls are divided into 6 parts, so it would be a total of 6 soul mates according to that vision, different would be how many come to incarnate and coincide in the same life.

From the level of the Great Consciousness it is known that We Are One, so in that sense it can be said that there is only one Soul and it is by itself its own soul mate, and if you identify yourself with that Unity Consciousness you can say that you are your own soul mate. However, although in the universe of generation it is accepted that there are individual souls that are twins, I believe that it is possible to find a soul mate by vibration and not necessarily by conception or generation.

This gives us a different way of looking at soul mates, thus finding on the way not only one. Since we participate in Oneness, the connection between souls should not be different, but ultimately we can consider that in the world of vibration it influences who circulates in the closest orbit and frequency. So we can say that either there is no soul mate when you speak of One Soul, or you are your own soul mate, or there are individual soul mates and others who are identified by vibration since we participate in Oneness and travel the same path back.

I believe that these perspectives are valid each in their own context, you can draw your own conclusion or identify with what resonates best with you from this.

Fear as opposed to what it is

Placing us on a metaphysical level or a mental level higher than the mind with which you currently identify, fear as opposed to what it is uses what we understand as karma, sin, or guilt, but they do not have to define you or take place if you understand that this is the game that has been played but that there are no rules of the game at the end that can be applied to the immeasurable of your Being or you do not need to participate in that game, I mean, you will be able to get there by beginning to feed your consciousness of such a position. Obviously at that point a transition or process of assimilation is required but it may also have helped the saturation of suffering or the burden of guilt. If instead of guilt the innocence of your essence is taken in a coherent way you can understand those words that say “my yoke is soft and my burden is light”[1]

Fear is the opposite of divine Love. In the mixture of sensations that we experience it may seem that many times we make decisions from fear and not from intuition, from that divine essence that leads us along the path of Love. This is how forgiveness at the metaphysical level is a great help to free ourselves from burdens in memories for those difficult decisions that have led us to our present moment, but Love is stronger if you let it be. Having said this, you can forgive yourself, and perhaps it is not too late for something you were waiting for, although it is not necessary either. Life will show it to you and you will know if it is giving you a new opportunity in this regard or another.

If you considered in this world a dark aspect of fear, it would seem to attack you at some point, sign that indicates that you are strengthening your connection. In other words, the ego or the perspective of fear sees that it loses its control, so to reflect that you project it or any analytical motive would not be very appropriate if it generates resistance, but rather to focus knowing that you ascend to the Light that would correspond to you by right if you remember and feel that is your nature.

The simplicity of things

To consider and assimilate “what is” is similar to a change of mentality or to the memory of your essence, it is in principle a key and liberating aspect. Certainly there may be things in a context or case to examine, but you can fall into the position of the victim or executioner without staying there or questioning the causes too much. If we take as an example the Master who is so closely related to the crucifixion, someone could reflect on how he placed himself in the position of victim and therefore the other executioners, or rather, understand the nature of things considering that there are purposes that have nothing to do with karma.

There are those who have evidently been victims of something in this world, that does not have to be denied at that level but neither to reinforce it nor to stay there. In the same way, there are those who end up playing the role of executioners, always unloading guilt on others, and they do not have to hold such a position for life or stay there. What has more relevance? A crucifixion that was forgiven or the resurrection? You, too, can be resurrected and you don’t need to be left with a feeling that has already been taken away by the past.

Saying that on many occasions may seem unwise if you are at a time where it is difficult to get out of there, but there are professionals, techniques and aids for it. Personally, I try to meditate for a few minutes, sometimes I got to use the visualization of a violet flame that transmutes any negativity, but it is many times enough to let go of the moment, live it, if you feel uncomfortable accept it for a moment with the intention and mentality that this will also happen. Things can come to be faced in a simpler way than it seems, in many cases this can also be related to the flow in life, and if you need extra help you could also find it.

You can dance under the storm

Once again, to say this is a challenge in the conditions of the world, but it refers to the care of Peace that is achieved by recognizing that Peace is important and with the respective mental training. From a higher or metaphysical level is possible to radiate light in your daily life, it is not that in the world result walking with a happy face all the time, it is that as you feel the call to your Higher Self, you can return to that tranquility, let go of anger if it took place, keep an appropriate mood internally even if you are serious, remember to laugh, whether it is about yourself or situations. Understanding the above and in a figurative sense, it is possible to dance under the storm. A famous quote from Seneca:

“You learn to know a pilot in a storm”

  1. Mt. 11,30 ↩︎