ACIM in a few minutes
The Higher Self thought system?
This article compiles an excerpt from the fundamentals of ACIM (A Course In Miracles). If you are already a ACIM student or feel that your life learning gives you access to an understanding, the following is information that alone may not say anything, an assimilation process or a course is required for understanding and practice. Some people may or may not be ready.
To take care of my Inner Peace, to feel free before many things, to remember who I really am, to practice a new type of forgiveness and to simplify the understanding of the things of the world like no other teaching I have ever known, even others are understood in its frame of reference. Life and knowledge can look simple, what makes it difficult is to face emotions or what they call resistance and that is presented in everyday life during the course of this experience, so you get to take a course to practice something that requires training, or as a therapy. However, although I observe that its foundations are very simple, approaching the text of the course is not usually easy.
The foundations I’ve found
- Metaphysical forgiveness. This is addressed in the course or in related books that can support the course. It has nothing to do with everyday forgiveness where you address a person, that can be seen as managing personal relationships, courtesy, perhaps some good intention and in many cases pretense, but not what ACIM teaches. We will see some principle moving forward.
- From my interpretation and words, ACIM addresses a different level from most books on spirituality, this has led me to consider a pure metaphysical level where the forgiveness mentioned above is practiced and the experience of the level of the universe in which things operate is accepted, although not anything (about this forgiveness, it has been said that it will be seen to be advancing).
- I have also interpreted it as a therapy for a confused Mind that observes a crazy world.
- The world does not exist (except in its context), it is an illusion. The observable universe is part of a dream. This universe is a projection (of a Mind). In my words, the place where yin and yang operate has nothing to do with the original universe, although there is an aspect of the original Mind involved that experiences that duality.
- God or Source is One. The part that you truly are is One with the Source and you are the Source itself. God is, nothing else.
- An aspect of the original Mind fell into a dream in which it forgot to laugh. We can use here the sign of Son. This Son in this universe can be interpreted as the “I Am”, but being a dream one must remember that the sleeper follows where he has been. While experiencing the illusory world the greatest memory and identity of the Son takes place in what some call the Consciousness, another may call it the Collective Unconsciousness. There one knows that there is only One.
- You have an Inner Guide and Therapist par excellence to whom you always have access. He only recognizes what is and reinterprets this world through signs. He is always willing to be by your side, but he could not live the experience for you. He draws up a learning plan for you, so that the dream dissipates and you return home. By relating it to other concepts, he could approach the Higher Self, or perhaps a Supreme Self. In short, it is a straight mind that did not fall into the dream. In my interpretation, it sees everything from the threshold of the dream.
- The observable world or universe can be used to correct that Mind (that of the Son). Using signs it is possible to reinterpret them. Getting to see things differently from that Mind is related to Miracles.
- The body is not real, it is simply neutral (no good nor bad) and an instrument. Neither should it be neglected.
- We usually identify with a body and a character, or an ego, while the decision-maker is not there.
- “Ideas never leave their source” is one of the essential principles of the course. Here it refers to the creations or the Son. It could be said that the Ideas of the original Mind were His creation and are One with Him.
- Who you really are is not in the world.
- The Son who dreams, or the Dreamer, given the dream can only experience two emotions, Love or fear. Taking this to the individual experience, I would say that all emotions are derived from these two.
- The real Universe does not consider forms or matter, nor energy, nor vibration. Everything is there. You already are. However, unlike a philosophy of the Self, It is the Living One Himself and not an abstract or inert concept. I believe that due to the confusion of the dream, some could translate it as a memory, but it is the most real and the Real.
- The above suggests that there is one more step. The awakening of this Son is done with a gentle Voice that calls him, the Inner Guide. ACIM indicates that the last step is taken by the Father (in metaphorical terms).
- The concept of separation is introduced, indicating how this Son is multiplied with innumerable individualities. If the levels are understood, the personal experience of the individual is not denied. Perhaps this suggests a path of direct integration to the Source, or otherwise viewed, a quick way back to the real home.
- Understanding that you experience a dream, you never did anything to anyone, no one hurt you, for nothing that seemed to happen ever did. Hence my observation to see this on another unconventional level. This is the principle of metaphysical forgiveness. It is also understood that there would be no point in judging, if you were judging yourself.
- The function given to us is the practice of this new forgiveness.
- God created His innocent, invulnerable and intact Son remains, eternally free. Here again we return to the metaphysical sense, understanding that guilt, sin or karma have no place unless you consider it so, so it is important to train the mind or have a liberating consciousness.
- In the original universe, there is no cause and effect, they are both. Neither give and receive as they are the same.
- The cause of the universe we observe was a tiny crazy idea that never took place in the original creation. This was the only error that gave rise to the experience of separation and there is a call to observe it above the battlefield, by the decision maker who chooses between Love or fear.
- The practice of so-called metaphysical forgiveness makes things simple. You identify the cause in a direct way, so you don’t have to have studies of psychology or reflect too much, nor do you need to relate causes from other lives. Your Guide’s learning plan is already conducive to the practice of this forgiveness. It is not saying that you should never face something, but it does require your attention, observing the error, and then letting it go.
- As long as the Son of God is not a body, he has never incarnated. This is why reincarnation would not take place. Here we return to the understanding of levels. Then it remains open to interpretation on the level of form.
- You can practice course forgiveness after an event where guilt is involved, even at the instant of your transition from this world, having acquired such awareness.
- If the course poses a metaphysics, it is ultimately radical because the original Mind is Absolute. It only recognizes what is and does not know fear or opposites. In the practical context it takes place to be practical, the decision maker continues choosing each time, so there will be things to which he will not give concessions.
Derivative aspects
- Instead of using the word “levels” the course uses more the word “thought systems”. So it teaches you the Guide’s “thought system” instead of the one that operates in a world based on separation, guilt and fear. However, you are faced with two systems of thought if you start a practice, but knowing the “thought system” given by the Guide sent to you gives you a different way of looking at things for profitable decision making. This Guide also does not ignore your experience in the world, that is, he considers the practical, in fact, he makes use of the signs of the world. Love being the true (sentimentalism and specialisms of blame have no place here).
- The book deals with a different Mind from the one we are used to, so it does not deal with the practical things of the experience that seems to operate, but there is a practice to produce effects on that experience. Furthermore, by achieving a metaphysical understanding, I would say a pure metaphysics, you can reinterpret the world and come to know what can serve you, or what to do in a moment. Take responsibility from the perspective of the decision-maker.
- Emotions or resistance are talked about but not in a practical sense. If some human knowledge can support it, it can be found. For my part, I have learned to accept my moments of crisis to the point that they are becoming less and less and are becoming more and more distant from each other. I also observe with good eyes Gerardo Schmedling, who proposes “Acceptology”, “Mastery in Love for those who do not need to suffer any more”, providing a practical approach that can be compatible with ACIM but from the level of the form or the world.
- The two previous criteria are understood while a pendulum can be expterimented in this life, a coming and going, a confrontation where you back down in favor of the world or take back what you have learned in favor of your Truth. This does not mean that you stop attending to the world but that you look at it with other eyes, which many times can differ from the majority, although according to the course, in the metaphysical sense mentioned: There would be no one else.
- The style of the text breaks the patterns with intellectual pretensions, so if you are looking for something direct or intellectual instead of training the mind, openness is required.
- There are other compatible teachings, like for example that of the Buddha, only very few guide you to undo the ego during your life, so that when the time comes to leave this scenario, that individual aspect returns directly to the source instead of continuing between dreams, or at least reduce a meaningless process of evolution.
- The text is not a teaching of behavior, nor does it invite you to judge the strong traits of another individual or to condemn yourself.
- Raising a liberating vision of a guilt that brings situations into your life to heal or correct, if done with an intellectual look could confront the limits of morality or perversion, but such an approach does not take place when you recognize what you are, innocence from the essence, and start from a self-love that can therefore be understood in an order that you resolve internally.
You can also see my article The Great Dreamer and Look at the Error
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