ACIM in a few minutes

The Higher Self thought system?

This article compiles an excerpt from the fundamentals of ACIM (A Course In Miracles). If you are already a ACIM student or feel that your life learning gives you access to an understanding, the following is information that alone may not say anything, an assimilation process or a course is required for understanding and practice. Some people may or may not be ready.

What has ACIM done for me

To take care of my Inner Peace, to feel free before many things, to remember who I really am, to practice a new type of forgiveness and to simplify the understanding of the things of the world like no other teaching I have ever known, even others are understood in its frame of reference. Life and knowledge can look simple, what makes it difficult is to face emotions or what they call resistance and that is presented in everyday life during the course of this experience, so you get to take a course to practice something that requires training, or as a therapy. However, although I observe that its foundations are very simple, approaching the text of the course is not usually easy.

The foundations I’ve found

Derivative aspects

You can also see my article The Great Dreamer and Look at the Error
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