Chat with the unknown

Piece of a book project that I’ve decided to publish it as a narrative in my blog with a feeling and sense of gratitude to be in a historical moment of favorable events that could change our way of seeing the world.
It is given in the context of someone who is preparing to become a priest and has the opportunity of a contact “with the unknown”, many questions have a theological or religious tendency, but it can be useful, to a greater extent for those who find themselves in the midst of marked beliefs or in a point similar to the character called Adriano.
The scene corresponds to a teleconference with a relative of the main character, Omaira, accompanied by her husband Mario and Dario, a friend who assists her to channel to whom they, for practical purposes and with respect, have given him the name of master.

Connected to the “chat” (after several failed attempts)

Adriano Ready. Now that I’ve seen them, I’m going to turn off the video for the signal to improve. Do you hear me?

Omaira: If we listen to you. The teacher also says yes. Can you hear us?

Adriano: Very short. Maybe, if they bring the microphone closer to his mouth. Anyway, it’s better if we continue with the chat, but leave the sound open for them to listen to me. Let’s start the questions.

Inside me: What do I do? I don’t have experience with this kind of thing, nor is it something we handle either in theology or in the life of the Church. It will be like going to the movies.

Adriano: In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, tell us your name and who are you?

Omaira: Don’t have any prevention with me, wanting to know who I am doesn’t give you any guarantee. Yes, I can give you a name, but that doesn’t matter.

Adriano: Tell me then, who is Christ for you?

Omaira: What you know as Christ, is the Love of the Father that is reflected in each one of you. It is an unconditional Love.

Adriano: Yes, but I also speak of the Son of the Living God, made Man. What you tell me is what it is for you, because that’s what I asked. Tell me then: What vision do you really have about Our Lord Jesus Christ and His redemptive mission?

Omaira: The mission of Jesus Christ in man is to lead him to experience unconditional Love within his inner being.

Inside me: It says it like who really knows. This is true, but how they say that even demons believe.

Omaira: This means that the Light is installed in the heart of man. This Light expands as you experience your True Essence. This Essence is not identified with matter, but at the same time you can experience from matter a Love very different from that which is experienced among humans as it floods every part of their Being.
When you have an experience of this type, you have the certainty that it is something that does not come from you. Do you understand?

Adriano: I think so. Can it resemble what I once experienced in a meditation in the middle of prayer?

Omaira: You well know that the process you are going through is one of the many ways in which the Father manifests himself with his children. But you can live this experience and experience it by living in another reality or by awakening yourself.
The encounter with the Inner Being is the encounter with His Beloved Son.

Inside me: It is true. But I must insist on continuing to measure it.

Adriano: Ok. This Beloved Son has come for us as Jesus of Nazareth. Do you understand what I am saying?

Omaira: Yes.

Adriano: So, if this Son of the Living God has died and resurrected, how can you explain what you said about reincarnation in the audio they sent me? How can you mix redemption with reincarnation? Is this mission cyclical or Galactic?

Omaira: I remind you of something you’ve forgotten. But don’t worry, not only you but many people. This Being of Light came with a purpose and you know it well. It was to lead humanity to live not from fears, but from Love. And this has nothing to do with what you call reincarnation.
I understand that you have confusion in your reason and in your spirit. But you know what resonates deep within you. So go against what you have learned in this life experience.
Only you can identify what resonates with you. What I can tell you or what they tell you where you are is useless. Because the answer to that restlessness lies within you. You know what I mean. Deep inside of you there is something you resonate with, but there is something that prevents you from believing and opening yourself to it. Do you understand?

Adriano: Partially. In order for you to understand me, not only do I have a concern about something personal, but I also ask it in terms of the people around me, because if possible, it could even be good to communicate it to the world.
So these questions that I have answered, I don’t ask just for myself. I say this so that you understand me too.

Inside me: I was telling the truth, but I also intended to evaluate things.

Adriano: But returning to the question, would the Son of God have to die and rise for redemption, for example, in another Galaxy?

Omaira: What do you want to know?

Adriano: Is this redemption cyclical or should it be given for Galaxy?

Omaira: Remember that what you call dying and redeeming is in context, but you know that beyond this, death as such does not exist. If there is no death of the essence, only the death of a body in a punctual dimension like this, the process of redemption can be looked at in a different way. Do you understand?

Adriano: More or less. That’s why the first question is important to me, about who is Christ referring to Jesus of Nazareth, who is for us God himself made Man.
This is why I continue to question the vision you have in this regard, because depending on this I might have a starting point to see redemption according to what you have told me before, that is, how do I digest this in contrast to the experience of Christ? Would it be necessary to evangelize in other places?
Because it occurs to me that the universe has a cyclical process, besides there could be other galaxies with thinking life.

Omaira: You said it yourself. In the universe that you know, this universe of matter is all cyclic but at the same time is spiraling, which means that even if you return to the same point is not the same, because you are already in a different vibration if you give the lived experience.

Inside me: Of course! That of the spiral is one of the things that I have received and I have become aware of in the Church. I identify myself with this in an experiential way, but I can’t give myself so easily.

Omaira: Once you finish one cycle, you start another, this is a reflex that is given at the micro and macro levels. You can also elucidate it in your own life because when you are allowed to live an experience that is not very pleasant or painful and you do not understand the purpose of it, later you are allowed to live it again but your vibration level is different.
Looking at what you call redemption and what you place in Jesus is the same thing. Because what it does is take Man no matter what he has lived, or what he has done, or what for man is not very pleasant, or does not take this into account, he is allowed to live something again to lead to connect it with the purpose for which he is living.
But this is only lived while you are in this Human experience. Remember that when you are born you are not allowed to remember your origin because it is as if you were told the end of the film. The film is life itself and the experience of living it leads you to find meaning and to live from your own experience.
Remember that it is important to listen to what they tell you, but even more important is to listen to your own essence. A more comfortable way for you if you want to see, is that you can differentiate what resonates within so this goes or is very different from what you have previously conceived in your mind.
Life is a unique experience, you choose to be where you are, but you can also decide to change that which is not in harmony with you. Parallel to all this has been installed to the man also fears, some common to all and others that are part of the process you chose to live.
It’s like a game called yincana. You must find the clues of your life and know how to interpret them to take you to the next clue. It wouldn’t make sense if we told you right away what your last clue is, because your essence knows it. When you go through a process of the death of your body and return to the Light you can understand all this clearly, but the purpose of life is for you to discover it while you are living this reality in this life. Do you understand?

Adriano: Yes, I understand, but I continue with the question about Jesus Christ, because for us, the revelation was given by Him, who was also the only one who gave a direct reason from the Father. For this reason we do not recognize in the same way the revelation of other religions. Now I ask you: Is there an exclusively enlightened doctrine and what would it be?

Omaira: If I ask you, what is the use of belonging to a specific religion if it contains the absolute truth but you do not discover your purpose? What is more important for you, to find answers to what has no meaning in your life or the other? You choose.

Adriano: I repeat that I am not saying it only for myself. For now I wanted to ask general questions.

Omaira: We understand your wanting to know for others. But I come back and ask you Who is more important now? You or the others?

Inside me: Maybe I’m trying to flatter myself like a demon could. I can’t just agree with him.

Adriano: If the Other is Christ and Christ is also me, it would be the same. That’s why I’ve asked you these questions from the beginning, to see if there’s a point that makes me get close to you. I’m telling you this from my perspective and my budgets.
Because you should know then that Jesus Christ did not come to make religions. Jesus Christ made a life experience. When I ask you these questions, it is because of the historical reality in which we find ourselves, in the midst of so many very particular doctrines and ideologies. I feel that you are constantly evading my question.

Omaira: It’s not that you think I don’t want to answer you. The question is simple.
It’s okay that you want broader answers but remember that they only allow me to talk about a few things and about those answers they only tell me that in the time of Christ, before and now in this time, the Father has always sent signs and prophets according to the evolution of human consciousness but with the purpose that is the same and has always been the same.
It is very simple for you to experience the divinity of the Father within you. Once you experience it, all these doubts are clarified and you are given the answers you want to know at this moment.
It is not about not wanting or avoiding the answers. It is like a Father with a small child. When he is not yet ready to know something, the Father tells him later when he grows up. But I assure you that when you allow yourself to experience your Father’s infinite Love, all the understanders will be shot at you.
You don’t want to know the end of the movie when you already know it in theory, because what matters is that you can experience it inside of you.
It is natural and it is a very noble gesture and very much your love to want to know this in order to share it with others, but it is more important that you experience it.

Adriano: I understand. I want to ask you another question. I have experienced God’s Love in my Life in the process in which I have been in the midst of the Church. There is a moment when you are given prayer in a very special way. On one occasion, in the middle of a meditation, I had a little experience. Is this more or less what you tell me?

Omaira: You know well that it is so, because it is something that you feel deep inside you and it is something that you know does not come from you. That’s what we’re talking about.

Inside me: I think it has made me speak in the plural again. I’m going to give him information to see what he thinks.

Adriano: Ok. Then I’ll change the type of question. And for that I start from the following premise.
For us in the Eucharist, which is an exultation, there is a moment when the species of bread and wine become the body and blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It could be seen as a material way of feeding on Him and His Spirit. Is this given as I tell you?

Omaira: Of course. But it is not only in the Eucharist. Do you understand?

Adriano: I will understand if you say to me, for example, how would someone who does not have access to this food eat?

Omaira: Remember that this is a physical manifestation of the Father’s Love, but you can also experience His Love in other ways. You know what I mean.

Adriano: I also know. Now I ask you then about a sacrament.
Baptism gives us access to the grace of salvation, it is a sacrament that we consider eternal. How does this experience really happen, what would happen to people who are not baptized? You know that I can have part of the answer, but I’m asking you to clarify it from your point of view.

Omaira: You get very confused. Although you already know what it is. But I clarify it in a more precise way.
Regardless of the religion that you have chosen in this life and even if you don’t remember it, your inner being knows it. It doesn’t matter if in this existence you have been baptized or not, because everyone has lived an experience in every religion of this planet, in previous lives.
What to worry about? Because what you call the sacrament of the church or in other churches, is a manifestation to remember the divinity that is in you. But it is only for this, because it is always in you. Do you understand me?

Adriano: Yes, I understand you.
I would like to ask you then, is there any difference between a couple who live a union in a consecrated way, in parallel to a union that has done it in a more independent way? Or isn’t there?

Omaira: I understand your question. What you call consecrated union is the same as baptism. It is a commitment from this experience but at the same time their souls are united. What matters last but not least is the love and experience that these two souls have chosen to live together.
But when you live it in an experience of a religion, it is important that you do so as long as you are in tune with it. But you can not judge other couples, because they remind us of the previous covenant they had to live such an experience. What matters is that they can live it and that they take the learning they both wanted to live.
It is not more or less, those who do it from an experience that looks different to human eyes. Because what counts is your intention from deep inside your being.

Inside me: I thought of cases of people very close to me. That’s why I had a moral concern.

Adriano: I understand you, but I wanted to clarify it.

Omaira: Because you have all the answers deep inside of you. But parallel to this you have some fears that lead you to doubt. You chose them yourself before coming. Do you understand?

Inside me: I would think so, but how is it that I chose something before I came?

Adriano: Yes, I think I understand you.

Inside me: What do I ask him then? I know. Let’s see what he thinks of a sacrament that can be considered eternal, like baptism. I’m going to see what vision you have of priests. Besides, I’m interested because I’m on my way to order myself some day.

Adriano: I want to ask you about priests. For us they imprint a character. Do they have a special grace in any way with respect to other people? Is that really so?

Omaira: Priests, you know they do, have a special grace, but this grace has nothing to do with their case, with their life. I explain myself. This grace is above the experiences lived as a man. Do you understand?

Adriano: You tell me that it is something that this man receives in this story or is it a grace that comes from before?

Omaira: It is a grace that is granted from before being born.

Adriano: To be born in that life?

Omaira: Right.

Adriano: So, when a priest dies, does that grace remain or is it no longer necessary?

Omaira: That which you call grace does not disappear with death. It is part of its infinite essence.

Adriano: Then, does the priest have this grace in all his lives?

Omaira: Of course. But this grace in other lives, as he doesn’t remember the previous one, he can’t make use of it.

Adriano: Ok. I understand more. I want to ask some personal questions now. I don’t know how you feel, or Omaira. Are you tired?

Omaira: Adriano I’m Mario now. The teacher says he’s not tired. What happens is that now we have some commitments, so take advantage of this half hour that we have left.

Inside me: I’m really cheering myself up with this. But I have to be careful, and I don’t remember what he told me about his name.

Adriano: Please remind me of your name.

Omaira: You already asked and we gave you an answer.

Adriano: But I don’t remember.

Omaira: We’re not going to tell you. But what matters is that if you feel that the source of the information we give you does not resonate with you, you can leave.

Adriano: I want to take sides and right now I feel good.

Omaira: Feel the answer inside you. The name will be given to you directly. But you need to be open to receiving and listening. The name will come to you.

Adriano: It seems good to me that it is so.

Inside me: If what this source has said really resounds in my being and can give answers, I am going to direct my restlessness regarding whether or not to continue with my vocation.

Adriano: Now I tell you. I am in a situation where I see two ways. For me both are good. What I don’t know is if one loses more than the other. I don’t know if by making a decision, I could deviate from God’s will. Do you understand what I mean?

Omaira: Yes, we clearly understand you. What we can tell you is this.
When you have two choices to make and these are good for you, what matters is that you understand that taking one or the other is not going to lead you to feel that you have made a mistake. But you can experience it this way, since one excludes the other and implies giving up certain things that are important to you now.
What happens is that you don’t remember that you chose to be here now and for you as well as for these brothers who are here next door, it is more comfortable for them to tell you what to do.
That’s what life is all about. But you are at an important and decisive moment in your life. But you should be thankful for what you’re going through, because whatever choice you make is good for you. You may well have a decision made, but first listen to what you want from the inside.
Remember that the most important thing is not the message itself. In other words, no matter what choice you make, the important thing is that you do it from within, because it will lead you to experience the divine grace of God within you.
Feel lucky again, because you will never make a mistake if you want to see it that way. Other people have to make decisions, but unlike you, they have only two options and only one allows them to come to that special and divine connection with their inner self.
Rest deep within your being, because at this time we allow you to feel, experience, that you in past lives have already lived these experiences.
Do not be afraid of what you can live in this moment, experience within you, a very soft voice that floods your whole being, you are a very special being of Light, so you have an attitude of wanting first to give to others. This comes from all your experience of past lives, you have come to this experience to live to make decisions, but with a special grace.

Inside me: He says it in such a true way and with a Peace that really comes to me. And what does he mean by that I already lived these experiences before? Was I a priest in another life?

Omaira: Don’t let your fears and doubts lead you to experience hell inside of you, because it’s very easy to make a decision when you have certainty inside. Even though we tell you that whatever decision you make is right for you, that is not enough.

Inside me: It makes me smile, because that’s the way things are with me.

Omaira: Because inside you have installed that whatever decision you make, you are going to feel and think at some point, that you have made a mistake, but that is what you are going to live and experience.
Remember that you are a Being of Love. Do you feel calmer now?

Adriano: Yes.

Omaira: Do you feel lucky?

Adriano: Also. And I understand. It gives me as the sense by which I am here. However, if you know these things, you should know that in this life I have started from scratch a couple of times before and yet it is not simple.
My decision already has a marked tendency and that implies starting over from scratch, it entails some economic conditions that I left behind and that I don’t have now.

Omaira: Don’t talk so much. Just listen. The fear will always be in you. That and the doubt are installed in your cells, but remember what we told you at the beginning when you asked if the whole universe was cyclic. Remember that you start again but you are already another, because the spiral always goes in ascending form.
The experience you have with yourself today is different. The fear in your human and material part will always be, but you know that we have always supported you in that part, because you have not come to process that. Understand?

Inside me: It’s like I’ve been taken care of many things, it’s been like that, it’s true. However, I don’t know if I’m still young enough to work in a company.

Adriano: Yes, yes. What I’m saying is that somehow, when you choose to close a door you open other possibilities. But for example, how is this going to be in front of work?

Omaira: Look, you know that in front of these two roads are already arranged all the piles in each one. Do you understand?

Inside me: I remembered the experiences in the Church a couple of moments I had before, where I gave up material things and started again, it was always for the good, even better, as well as liberating and renewing. If I made the decision, it would be like the third renewal in my life.

Adriano: Yes, if I understand you and thank you for what you say. I ask you something else now.
There is a woman who was part of my life and I know that for a while she had a difficult time. Did I have anything to do with that?

Omaira: What we can tell you is this. Don’t worry. You don’t have, in any way, permission to harm another and least of all your soul mate. It’s not your nature.
That which happened was previously agreed upon and it was she who allowed it for her own experience of life and awakening. She was the one who chose it. Although the two are part of the same unit, each lives a different experience.
It’s not spiritual love, but very human to feel somehow guilty, that doesn’t make you better, so relax.

Inside me: But what have I heard! I immediately transported myself in my memory to those particular moments with her.
In one, we were in a farm, we were holding hands in the middle of a field full of trees, suddenly our eyes met, I felt that this had happened before, as if we had always existed and known. The kiss was consistent. I felt as if the sky stopped time, or the kiss stopped us in time. Our passion overflowed at once.
At another time that I remember, I happened to meet her being in a temple, this was after a couple of years when she was already married. It was strange because I was on one side and as soon as I turned my head to the left and saw her far away on the other side, immediately with an automatic impulse I went towards her and without her noticing, I went to her side. As soon as she saw me she was surprised.
When we left the temple we had a few minutes to cross some words, suddenly he approached as a gentleman who sold religious objects and said: “Excuse me but I have to tell you something, you can see that you two love each other very much”. We looked at each other and were perplexed and disconcerted because that man did not know the context of the casual encounter, he had not even approached to sell us something, he simply withdrew.
I also remembered that night when I managed to see the spectrum and her silhouette. It was the moment you woke up in the middle of the dream. It was so real that I got scared. The next day she told me about a dream in which she watched me while I slept in my room. According to her, she watched me as I stood near my bed. We were each asleep in their respective homes and the event described coincided. The surprise was mutual.
I had to land and it occurred to me to ask her about a project, given that I had no idea how I could cope with a change in my life.

Adriano: Another personal question. As a professional I’ve been developing a project. Does it make sense to wear myself out?

Omaira: Remember that the important thing is that what you do is in line with the decision you are going to make soon. You know what we mean. Do you understand or are you still just as confused?

Adriano: I understand perfectly. I have more questions but there is no time left. So, maybe you have something to say for someone close to you?

Omaira: What they tell me is this. Why were you so anxious to the point that we can hardly have contact with you and now that we have it we don’t ask questions about what you have in your heart.
Those personal things that you wanted to know the answer so much. Do you understand?
You know and you said it now. That you have two paths and you are at this moment in the exact point if you go left or right. You know what we mean. But we can’t tell you or suggest which one to take. But we do remind you of the privilege you have, because anyone leads to enlightenment, but one is straighter than the other, and with one you run a greater risk of suffering and losing yourself than with the other. It is not the same to have a punctual help at your side, or to have it from your essence. Do you understand?

Inside me: Sure! You’re probably reminding me how difficult it can be to live together as a couple. Needless to say, with all the cases of couples I see in the middle of the mission. And I still don’t know the things that come out of couples in a confession.

Adriano: Yes, I understand.

Omaira: Remember that your time to make a decision has come. If you don’t do it from your essence and your freedom, we will give you a help to take it for you.
But sometimes you don’t like this help very much, because it can be not very pleasant. Do you understand?

Adriano: Yes, we say that history acts. I understand.

Omaira: Do you understand that at this moment you must make the decision and that it is soon, or do they do it for you? What do you want? Do you want them to make it for you? Would you like that?

Adriano: At this moment, I want to take it.

Omaira: What are you waiting for? What’s stopping you?

Adriano: It stops me, so to speak, the dilemma of who has a very important mission, like a superhero. That is, someone who thinks about others, but also has a personal aspect. But I have a sea of emotions that incline me very much to one side.

Omaira: Remember that if you don’t do it soon, we will send you a help, but maybe it won’t be to your liking. We’re doing this to help you make a decision. We don’t do it because we want to hurt you and we don’t want to pressure you. You chose this point in your life yourself and told us that if you didn’t do it, we should help you. It was your decision, not ours. Don’t blame us later. Do you understand?

Inside me: That I told them what? From where or when?

Adriano: I think so.

Omaira: You are at a decisive stage in your life, be attentive to the signs that will help you make the decision you choose.

Adriano: Ok. I understand that there you have to go for a commitment. I appreciate this and wish there was another time before Darius leaves.
If you have to leave then I say goodbye, thanks also to Darius.

Omaira: Yes, it’s Mario again, it’s our turn to fly away. I’ll talk to you later.

Adriano: Bye.


I was perplexed. And while I contemplated the benefit of the doubt, I was now more animated and enthusiastic than Omaira.
If Omaira was crazy and so was her husband who had been supporting her in this, now I joined the group of demented people.
If this was so, I could really unfold my life in a different way. I immediately felt like a push to make the decision to leave the seminary. I discovered that I was clearer than ever and wrote a text message to Omaira’s mobile phone that said:

“I’ve made up my mind!”.