Series of lucid dreams, illusions and some metaphor
I hadn’t had any dreams I remembered like that in a couple of nights. That night I dreamed about Azahara again.
~ Now, where are we, Azahara?
~ It is a planet like the earth, its name is Elihu. We won’t get too close, this time I will tell you something that relates to what is happening on your planet. From this ship, what do you think that sphere is?
~ Looks a bit elaborate, it reminds me of a ship I saw in a movie.
~ That’s right, it’s a ship. From there they see it as a star, they don’t know that it is artificial and that its appearance is due to a projection.
~ You’re telling me they see it as a moon or natural satellite, awesome!
~ Exactly. In this case they live in an artificial third density (3D).
~ As if it were Matrix?
~ Well it’s a mental matter and also a biological one, remember that these are frequencies but effectively their experiences are promoted by a computer, that’s why it’s artificial. This is possible given that the spherical spacecraft is located at a point just to cover the magnetic area of the planet or its aura with bands that act as magnetic containers, generating in that area a density or dense frequency, less than 5D and 4D. In this way it is Matrix.
~ If I understand you well, it is a Moon or ship that generates an artificial 3D, right?
~ Yes. It is an ancient ship that is fulfilling that end. Being part of the federation, we originated that matrix as a measure against a confrontation with a regressive race of 4D with which there was a stellar war. They captured a group of our ancestors in common, began to make experiments with their DNA, which did not come out as expected, having transgressed the free will of the inhabitants. When we realized that it had already advanced, in that confrontation ended up destroying a planet by changing the orbits and even the magnetic poles of Elihu, people and even objects were floating. It is delicate to interfere in the process of the inhabitants in a planet with the level of Elihu and the solution was to avoid them leaving there, as well as providing an answer to the inversion of the poles. While the spacecraft was performing its function we withdrew to continue attending other areas, we had many casualties, and in a lapse of time the matrix was hacked. They continued to place obstacles to the free will of people and we have decided to be vigilant in the face of any novelty
~ What a movie! You never cease to amaze me. But wait, let me inquire about the point of free will, by producing the matrix isn’t it interfering?
~ The landscape is varied and we would have to refer especially to natives or new generations with a not so developed culture. In this case, to consider how that culture would travel without getting the appropriate technology. Hence, if it generates a matrix, it would not be violating free will over what has not been achieved. Over the years, those in control on the ground did violate this, so this matrix has been effectively sustained understanding that it is a measure given the situation. The current one is different from the one originally programmed, and not by us.
You must know that both the souls that came having a process there, and others that are interested in such a particular experience, decide to be on the planet and this is respected. Also, the experience becomes difficult because those who have manipulated the planet use mental control, sometimes direct, by the media, the governments that control, finances, some religion, even with technology. Those who are there can see themselves as heroes, it is possible to protect themselves by raising their vibration, in the end it is a mental matter. Some souls have been born as our seeds or stellar seeds, so that being children of the planet can contribute a grain of sand for something better, also the planet itself is changing.
~ But then, how this 3D matrix originally worked and what happened next?
~ The matrix responds to mental attraction, especially to a significant collective, being more sensitive to the positive, what you did was to graduate it in your favor so that the process would be more difficult and strengthen the mental control that triggers an attraction according to your interests. They lost that faculty because it derived from the creative power that in turn was lost when they degraded to 4D, so the mass or the collective generates impact in the matrix. If you suggest or have influence on the people that would favor their agenda.
~ Are you talking to me about the law of attraction?
~ Yes. This is more sensitively fulfilled in higher densities such as the 5D. 5D could also be seen as a matrix, of course, not artificial. For example, in 3D there are no real people. Something similar would happen with the buildings.
~ What do you mean! people who are not people? did I get it right?
~ I’ll explain it this way, they are people, they have biology but they don’t have soul, they are projections only of the 3D matrix and they wouldn’t exist in the 5D while the real ones would.
~ Wait, wait. I already had a lot to do with seeing that planet fooled with a moon that is a ship and everything they use for mind control. I’ll need you to make it clear to me, for example, how one distinguishes someone who’s not real.
~ That’s a good question, in fact it’s not easy to distinguish someone not real and I couldn’t tell you something definite. They behave like any real person, except for some aspects that someone trained comes to notice after some time. One aspect has to do with the vision or feeling of the soul since they do not have and are not very emotional or indifferent about it, but you must know how to distinguish from a real person who behaves similarly. However, that is not that simple either because if someone real gives it more attention and love, can serve as a bridge to the experience of a soul, just as you can find real people who disconnect internally with their soul remaining only as a function of the matrix, and would be matrix. Another guideline is that our seeds have a way of being tracked as well as those we have contacted so that we know they are real.
~ So certain people that one may notice deviations from this world may not be real and may even be in my family, right?
~ It is possible, as well as those in a family attack someone because their way of thinking is very different, but this cannot be taken lightly nor is it definitive, since high influence makes real people confused. There may also be clones, for example, of celebrities or powerful people, who don’t have much life time and wouldn’t be real. You know that the body is a vehicle and you must remember that the cosmic soul is projected from a non-biological spiritual level, it is also enriched in experiences, but that is another issue. Returning to the topic of ascension, you will understand that who is in that 3D matrix originally is from another density, so that real people could reach the 5D because of what is happening in the galaxy and on the same planet, which is a living being already 5D. In addition, several people are now from our star family, they are our seeds or from the federation, which has been a way of giving our support.
~ I wonder now how could I refer to the 4D, that is, culturally or metaphorically they paint you a hell under an orb and above that orb the sky, but with what you teach me is as if the transition zone, even that hell I tell you, is in 4D and from the 5D the sky, so 3D would be the underground. Do you understand me?
~ That’s a perspective if you understand it that way. I would say that it is not very appropriate either, just remember that for us 5D is the natural point of the physical, we are not necessarily better for being in 5D. We are also people.
~ I don’t understand the history of that planet, can you clarify this, please.
~ There is not much time. I will try give you a panorama then may be we can see this in other time. A thousand-year-old war has taken place in Orion as a strategical point, and then we could quote Elihu for having interstellar traffic and what happened with the 3D experience, awakening the attention of cosmic souls and star seeds of a great family of races. That’s why those who have been and are now also have been the ones who have called “aliens”. What is happening now in a good part of the universe is a rise in frequency, and since everything is connected, as long as there is a 3D planet it stops the process a bit for others, that is also why we are watching. But let’s go back
Those who were downgraded to 4D began to influence 3D people because many people were originally 5D and had creative power that they had lost. There was some colony of ours that would later be equally trapped. A little earlier they were peacefully co-existing with Lirian descendants. When the 3D matrix was set up about 12000 years ago, some natives were influenced by naivety and came into contact with 4D entities. The descendants of my cosmic race, who came from 5D, searched for internal cavities in the earth and by going deeper they could sustain a 4D vibration and even 5D another one a little bit further in, where the 3D matrix had no effect. Would appear kings or people with power who would seek favor with 4D entities and simplifying it, this continued for centuries, here is the origin of some religions, some empire and ancient corporations. I have skipped over aspects that we will address later.
~ Fortunately that has nothing to do with my planet. That’s crazy!
At that moment I felt the alarm. What a funny dream, and that planet was like our earth, luckily I woke up.