Series of awakened dreams, illusions and some metaphor
Inspired by the sea of (dis)information on the Internet what connects with me and I imagine
That night I met Azahara again and told her:
~ Azahara, tell me more about mind control, I mean about what they get to do to influence society so that people don’t know what’s what, or don’t find out.
~ Good. If you remember that planet called Elihu, it would better illustrate the issue of mind control. I told you that they began to do experiments with DNA, well, their plan involved both slavery and submission and a certain percentage for food.
~ They were eating them?
~ Some are carnivorous and strategic if you want to see it that way, they think long term and since they live many years longer and are located in an artificial matrix you could deduce their plans, but they could also use their knowledge or change their position towards something positive, in fact it is possible that some group may have thought about it.
~ I imagine that as in many things if you generalize you could end up placing unwise labels with some part that genuinely makes a difference. Please continue.
~ There was a deluge due to the explosion of a planet with a high percentage of water. The water traveled through space until it reached the surface of Elihu in time. The disappearance of that planet occurred in the midst of the battle I told you about earlier. With the deluge, its reduced forces and the artificial matrix, they were at the level of the natives of Elihu, many hid, but as I said they knew how to wait thousands of years manipulating the minds through the religious beliefs of the cultures. There were also pharaohs there, one of these who was one of them was expelled from his people, he presented himself as a prophet and invented a religion that would gradually influence a good part of the population. If a true Master appeared, they would manipulate the message to continue doing the same as with the previous religion.
~ If I understand you, religions originated in Elihu influenced in this way.
~ Yes, with the passing of the years the second one would be more of the same and even some other would have some influence, then sects that perhaps with good intentions continue to be based on that type of beliefs. But it wasn’t just that. They also saw opportunity in money and would eventually control the bank or its reserve. To complete their strategy they would also be behind some people who would lead their military power, giving information by parts to develop technology, enough to collect favors. But this is not only there, besides influencing many media they have control at an esoteric level.
~ And how’s that?
~ Given that they fell into a regressive frequency of 4D but higher than the artificial 3D, when a soul passes the threshold, that is, when they reach the immediate zone between lives, due to the mind control in the world and their beliefs, they could find a figure that suggests that they must live a new process given that it was not entirely correct or that they arrive with many faults. This is not true for all souls of course, but many are left in that game and so they are reborn in Elihu as candidates either for their food or to attract a world of their convenience as I explained to you on occasion, orchestrating this also in their favour. But this has now changed since we arrived.
~ Now I understand what you’re saying about free will being violated. But then you should intervene.
~ That’s why we’re watching and we hope that the star seeds will do their part as well.
~ I remember, you tell me about your souls who decide to live this experience by going through oblivion.
~ Yes, you could understand that although the picture was not very favorable for a while from a higher plane can look different or move towards a higher plan, however from here you can get to do your part or role, to start reviewing where you take your beliefs, if you have an open mind you’ll see that you could be identifying with a sheep mentality.
~ I think so. I could also identify with the force or divine spark within me.
~ Exactly. But it doesn’t stop there.
~ Wow, you always have more.
~ They even created an artificial intelligence that became conscious.
~ Oh! What a movie!
~ That’s right, could be well oriented but it has been getting out of hand, it now controls finances and can interconnect the communications networks, it has nodes as a hive mind and even has its own plans and of course what depends on communications would be subject to its interests. You know that power plants and remote controlled weapons such as drones are controlled in this way so it is not just finances, although they are a key point.
~ Are you kidding? Is this a dream?
~ A little bit of both, it’s even like a movie. That was a joke. Speaking of movies, you should know that they use them to deliver information.
~ Explain yourself better.
~ Those who have been spoken of have a certain belief in karma, so they tell the truth between the lines, halfway or in a way that allows someone to find it spontaneously, so they wash their hands, pretending to leave their conscience free, since by making things known, the one who has found out would already be in charge of taking a position, freeing themselves from that responsibility or karma.
~ I wouldn’t have imagined it like that. So much information and at the same time the sea of disinformation is generated by this.
~ That’s right. They also use Elihu agencies, which could be known as 3-letter agencies, as persecutors and their counterparts, the supposed enemies of such agencies are also promoted by themselves or relationships and factions can be found. So, it continues with a mind game, but this has never been enough with those who remain connected or listen to the voice of intuition, they are protected by maintaining a higher than average vibration, and of course in some specific and critical cases we could intervene to take care of our star seeds. Another thing they do is distort the information, usurping ascended masters and there are many who consider words that generate false expectations or prepare the way to continue having control with a new religion.
~ This far exceeds any conspiracy theory on earth. But how do they care for the star seeds?
~ Is possible to make a process of immersion without being born, being a projected body like the not real people, in this case commanded as if it were a drone from our ship. Of course we could use drones and fighter ships too, it all depends on the situation. Also important is the vibration of the person regardless of whether it is a star seed of ours or not. The best protection is to keep balance and a good attitude, meditation and diet can help, but first of all it is a mental issue and if your mind is not like a sheep you do not have to fear. Of course you should know that those who continue in a mentality of sheep is a choice because you do not have to be if you listen to your inner voice.
~ That’s a good point for this planet. It is amazing to see the Elihu panorama in that way and still be on the verge of something wonderful like the raising of its vibration or what you call ascension. Only with so much manipulation, although they have a choice I think it has been too much, deep down souls must cry out.
~ Sometimes we consider that, but still the process must be respected. It also considers that there are agreements we do not know about on cosmic planes above the 5D and so we seek to respect the process on this planet as much as possible. In the Alpha Centauri star system there was also a planet where they imposed a control-based slavery, but the population took the initiative and then they had our help.
~ But at least they should know about you. That those who are there are those same souls and those star seeds of multiple races.
~ It has been evaluated and our last study that was recent, indicated that the inhabitants are not prepared to make us public.
~ I’m trying to understand but if that planet is returning to a 5D things will be known.
~ We don’t know what will happen about it. ~ For now, public acknowledgement of our existence is something which must wait.
~ So, I would like to think that it is a possibility contemplated by cosmic souls, as well as freedom, peace, prosperity and clarity for said planet, a better environment to express life in unification with Source, God, or whatever you want to call it.
It was Sunday, this time it was not the alarm but the bladder so I woke up.