Series of lucid dreams, illusions and some metaphor
On that night, I found myself curious and reading some pages of an 1896 book entitled “1900, or the last president” by Ingersoll Lockwood, I actually remember very little of what it said but something comes to mind?
Brian was a candidate for the presidency that many thought was a loser but he was elected despite some opposition that used to be in control. He had his own building on Fifth Avenue in New York.
On election day at night, the police warned citizens about a state of uproar so that they would not leave their homes. Huge crowds were organized under the leadership of anarchists and socialists threatening to loot the buildings of wealthy people. The hotel on the president’s fifth avenue would be the first to feel the fury of that crowd. In fact, the book asked if the troops would arrive in time?
Then I saw in that dream, that a boy was going out in search of a master, named Don, and of a time machine. I didn’t understand what that scene would have to do with, but suddenly a version of myself appeared before me.
~ Hello myself.
~ ¡Oh! You look the same as me but not older. Are you coming from the past?
~ No. I come from the future to give you a greeting but I only have the necessary time.
~ And how come you don’t look older than me?
~ You should know that with this time and the future it is better to say little or nothing, but I will answer you something. Soon, although it may be a matter of months, a year or a little longer for you, holographic medical capsules or “med-pods” that are like restorative beds that operate with an artificial intelligence well oriented, magnetic resonance principles, will be within reach. In fact, if you search on the Internet there are sources that suggest that there are already these in locations like the Tesla Tower. These capsules can help with the regenerative process, but it is also possible to achieve it in a mental way.
~ I imagine that free energy will also be available.
~ Yes, although I cannot guarantee that it will correspond to your timeline, that is, when someone knows about the future they seem to have a tendency to hinder or force it.
~ I think I understand something, but please explain.
~ Remember for example that girlfriend you accompanied to a clairvoyant’s, although some things they told her happened, others would no longer be possible and have been discarded, perhaps there will also be another one that will come in time.
~ I don’t remember much about the details
~ Let’s see… for example, with those pages of the book you just read.
~ You mean…
~ Yes. That book might have hints of reference to a presidential election four years ago but the riots didn’t happen. It’s probably written in code and it could still happen in a re-election, but still this could vary or refer to Washington instead of New York.
~ Interesting. I recently heard a rumor that if there were to be a monetary change based on the gold standard, some minority group with power could still use their money buying rioters since their money would not be recognized if the change was given, I mean they would be taking advantage of the last days of a worthless piece of paper.
~ That’s why I say it. So going back to the book, you could also imagine that if you had information from this era it might refer to a new event, a hint of a coup, but in the same way you can avoid, contain or evaluate another possibility.
~ I understand. And how did you get here?
~ Perhaps a thought, dreams, you must remember that this universe is an illusion. Imagine the master within telling you…
The world does not exist, it is only an illusion, and from the level in which you can recognize this, because it is not of the common level nor of the world, neither does sin exist, nor guilt, nor karma, nor the body, nor the self. However, the body is used as a resource and the world as a classroom, each according to its own process. Those who seem to be in the world can enjoy themes that they like and even write stories or publish videos, but if they practice this reminder they do not cling to the illusion but can let it go or forgive it by giving it to the divine spirit. “To be or not to be, that is the question”.
~ Sometimes I wonder how you explain that to someone when they don’t understand the level differences, the frames of reference are different, and it’s confusing with modern teachings and interesting aspects, about energy or vibration, that can be part of the practical world and be in the right direction but it is still at the same level of dreams and illusions.
~ And you can still see that in the future, but as you well know inside, who is to take a step forward will know how to recognize something different, or simply not convinced by this universe, is the case of Jesus and Buddha. The most important thing now is to integrate the practice of metaphysical forgiveness into the times you live in, that which reminds you that what you observe is not real, that there is no one there, that in the game of the multiple ones, you have never done anything to anyone or anyone has done anything to you. Who acts according to his essence does not look for any evil. You are not a person but the divine spark that resides in you and the living one himself if you can remember it, otherwise you would be reduced to consider yourself an ego that claims for its world and imposes slavery, victimhood or guilt. What is real is the living in you and is what you are. Although the world may seem to spend eons of years in conflict to a greater or lesser extent with sinister characters, it is not possible that the darkness contains the Light of the truth of what Is.
~ These days you could say something like: Where the One is we are all.
~ That was a good point.
~ But when you refer to something mental or metaphysical there is often a confusion of levels. If someone catches you talking about this they may have a tendency to think that then the corrective mechanisms of the world should not be applied, that they don’t have to play an appropriate role, or that they question their happening in the world by falling into disillusionment when it’s not about anything like that. Moreover, you can still lead as natural a life as many and play a role in the best sense.
~ You know. Who is to understand will understand. That is why those who walk in the same or nearer orbit recognize each other. So what can we say about the present times?
~ With all that has been happening in the world, if you understand a person’s perspective you might think it’s crazy to forgive madness, genocide, tyranny, terrorism, what it has to do with children and the white slave trade and so on. But when you side with the essence and use metaphysical forgiveness then you can see beyond the personal, opening the way to laugh at the madness. It’s like you’re telling yourself that, ultimately this has to be a very crazy dream and if I’m part of the dreamer who projects it, what a mental thing to do! From there you can laugh at yourself because you know that from that instance it cannot be real and you are definitely not a victim.
~ And now it is important to forgive from the metaphysical level anything that seems to happen in the world of appearances, for all this comes from the unconscious.
~ About that I have come to feel that if I am part of that unconscious I would be so responsible for everything that is observed when I don’t feel that I agree with it.
~ It’s part of the guilt trick and besides the level confusion you mention. Evidently, from the experience as a person you are making the jump to the unconscious. But the ones are not persons if not just one from the level that we have mentioned, as I was saying there is no one else from that perspective. It is from that frame of reference that you apply metaphysical forgiveness, since you recognize that you would not be against yourself nor would you condemn yourself, and in the end, you would not consider any attack either.
~ And how do you explain this in a timeline script?
~ The possible situations have already been written, appearing or disappearing and so what seems to continue in a linear time, no matter how numerous that may be or the various outcomes. In other words, it is precisely a script and continues to be a script from a non-personal perspective, even though it feels different from personal experience, with surprises taking place, personal decisions, an apparent becoming, when in reality it is a mental projection from another level. That is why I was telling you some prognosis in a practical sense, but even if people had a viewer of the potential field of the future, or chrono-viewer, they would not be in control, maybe that could seem and even be seen as an initial advantage but not in the end. The threads of destiny are not ultimately controlled by the ego, although the ego initiates the mechanisms of personality and aspects of the design of the scenario of an experience in the world.
~ Of course, the inner position from the essence gives you a light to see things differently, you choose with the Spirit’s right Mind or with the ego’s thought system, and a key to knowing with whom you are choosing is the two essential emotions, love or fear. Who you really are does not die, because you are not ultimately a character condemned to a story. From your essence you are free and innocent, thus you orient the possible decisions of the practical world but it is necessary to abstract yourself for instants from the character and recognize if you are adhering to the thought system of the Spirit or that of the ego so enslaving and self-condemning.
~ And you have no trouble, you can enjoy the cartoon and you can remember that you are not drowning in it, or as soon as you realize it you forgive yourself by surrendering it to the Divine Spirit. There is also the matter of resistance and the focus of desire, but I think we have been doing our best.
~ But all this requires practice.
~ And that shows. Those who are close to you may have wondered how it is that you have a different attitude to what seemed to be happening about the emergence of world health. Even if some had judgments, it is because you question them.
~ And tell me, does the expected candidate win?
~ It may not seem that way for a while, but even his opponents know this and so they may plot something that instills fear, for example, permanent demonstrations that carry a defiant and subliminal message, something like: if you vote for reelection things will continue to get ugly, think well before you vote or you might see a tarnished victory. I insist on the practice of forgiving illusions. From a personal perspective the outlook can be favorable and better things will come. There is nothing to fear, keep your inner peace. Whoever walks in love does not have to accept fear.
~ I bet, and… Will the existence of intelligent life be recognized?
~ Yes. You can see that there are already signs of that. Information will be given first. That’s what I see saying. You must be careful with the expectation that may be generated regarding the time.
~ So, it will no longer be conspiracy but part of history and everyday life.
~ That’s right.
~ And about Azahara, is there any opportunity?
~ Wait until you meet her sister.
~ Does she have a sister?
~ Just kidding. Also about the book but it served to illustrate something. I think it’s time to go.
At that moment my version of the future disappeared and I didn’t manage to ask him any more questions, like what year she was from and if she had gone into fifth density (5D), if the memories with the teacher would be restored naturally as well as other memories, although something inside me told me that it would be.
Then, for a moment I felt that I was taken to another scenario as if I was jumping a few days, weeks or a couple of months in time. Through a massive communication many things that had been happening were illustrated and revealed, for many it was still something new and of course the details of those things that were known by other means came to light, still there were incredible things.
Again the leap of the stage happened after a while. This time I saw myself in a park and people were looking at the sky, then I raised my face and star brothers’ ships appeared and the surprise was great, some let out tears of joy, I was surprised too. I still not sure of their origin. I checked on my cell phone to see if anything was being said on the Internet and social networks were already beginning to move on this subject. That’s when I woke up.