Health Care App.

A simple way to support the health professional’s care

With the health care application you can consider contacts that become patients, these patients can have an attention (appointment or event) where the service to be provided is reported, and finally the format (the medical history) is filled out.

With some initial adjustments, defining the service to be provided and the health professional providing the service, it is possible to start operating as illustrated in the video.


This is a starting point to refer to the medical history of someone in particular. You can add attendances (or the consultation event) from this screen by consulting the patient, select it and then click on the icon that has the “plus” sign .

Medical Care

The concept of care is close to the appointment although it does not refer to an agenda itself, but rather, to the service delivery event that is performed or reported, usually outpatient. Once the care is registered, you can proceed to fill out the respective form (or medical record). To consult a particular record you can first identify the care.

Clinical Laboratory Care

Applying the same concept as above, the attention is close to the appointment although it does not refer to an agenda per se, but rather, to the service delivery event that is performed or reported in a clinical laboratory. Once the care is registered, you can proceed to fill out the respective laboratory examination forms. To consult a particular record you can first identify the care.

This graphic illustrates how to work with the OnMind system or platform.