Technical Features

We thank welcome and excuse technical aspect of the product :)
Basically you need Internet access and a browser, officially Google Chrome 80+ or Safari 10.2+, or our “app” OnMind-AVE (on Windows and Android) optional for Cloud plan.
For annexed plans under licensing and installation mainly Debian 10 or Amazon Linux 2 are supported, and a server with a minimum of 2 cores, 4GB of memory (RAM) and 25GB available on disk is required. We invite you to see the detail.

Keywords about our innovation:
Digital experience with adaptable platform of “Apps” under micro-projects or short phases, data environment oriented to the mission or management (MODE), for scalar infrastructure (from VM+), cloud computing or attached plans (under license/premise), multichannel (enabled Web Mobile), "App" for the cloud (OnMind-AVE), mixed technology (modern web and enterprise application), Environment Node.js + Java-VM, ideal with Nginx (inverse proxy), for Enterprise Linux (Amazon Linux 2, Debian), built-in internal database or for Optimus plan with MySQL/MariaDB or Oracle 18c, internal API of microservices.

Specification of environment or systems

OnMind Cloud, by its nature, requires internet coverage for its connection (4G+ is recommended in mobile phones), the user can access applications from a computer or mobile device using browser Google Chrome 80+ or Safari 10.2+ (Unofficial Edge), or our “app” OnMind-AVE (on Windows and Android) optional for plan in the Cloud.

It is clarified that the mobile or desktop experience may vary, there are mobile enabled features as well as a desktop enabled experience that may be different. As appropriate, it can be used with the following operating systems: Windows 7+, macOS 10.11+, iOS 10+ or Android 5+ (Ubuntu 20+ unofficial).

For plans attached to the Service in the Cloud (others where it is installed with license) Java 11 is required installed, also applies to computers with Windows 7+ or MacOS systems, but not for mobile (unofficial to configure your network), while for servers is used Node.js 12 (in addition to Java) and supports Debian 10 or Amazon Linux 2 to 64bits which is an enterprise distribution (OnMind Optimus plan can be approved with another Enterprise Linux 8+, such as CentOS).

What does “unofficial” mean?:
What is referred to as “unofficial” is possible under your consideration, without access to support or warranty at present. Specifications not definitively mentioned do not correspond to the technical design of the product.

Specification for servers

For attached plan(s) under licensing and installation mainly Debian 10 or Amazon Linux 2 are supported (the latter on AWS), and minimum server with 2 processors, 4GB of memory (RAM) and 25GB available on disk (preferably SSD), plus security certificates are required. The designated server must be exclusive for the use of the OnMind platform. Unofficially, it is possible to machine reduce with 1 processor and 1GB in RAM in an initial launch or test environment (non-productive).

It is considered possibility of growth or vertical scaling by improving the specifications of the server according to scope and combining it with additional services for optimization given the moment. If it is or becomes a giant, horizontal scaling is possible incorporating third parties or specialized resources in this type of infrastructure (for example: with Amazon and regional partners, or alternatives).

Ultimately, once the minimum recommendations that are very basic have been overcome, you could be the most indicated in identifying the initial need or if you require diagnostic services to plan growth.

About the Database

OnMind’s database management system

OnMind incorporates or couples one mechanism that manages the data with a scope, this may vary within our platform and cloud service plans. OnMind-EPI is the name given to our database management system, meaning Embedded Processing Implementation, which refers to (1) our top level manager implementation, (2) our API or JSON layer, (3) our abstract data model, (4) our repository with metadata, (5) Java database internally embedded and (6) backup function. Although OnMind-EPI may involve inside an SQL (Structured Query Language) layer its connection is made through API, being classified as NoSQL database. It is design to companion OnMind without graphical user interface and make possible certain auto-administration (other than backups). OnMind-EPI is recommended for database file up to a size of 3GB (usually enough for most plans), approaching that dimension is a sign of reviewing a new plan (such as OnMind Optimus).

In the OnMind Optimus plan it is possible to evaluate a project with a database of specific interest that can be adapted through our Database Adapter Interface called OnMind-DAI (substitute for OnMind-EPI without database). OnMind does not provide the database engine in this last scenario and must be acquired or provisioned, it would only incorporate as a mechanism OnMind-DAI that enables the connectivity of manufacturers databases, currently version designed mainly for MySQL/MariaDB (even Amazon Aurora on AWS), as well as Oracle 18c (even XE or 12c, not lesser). It is thus concluded that, if the requirements exceed the scope of OnMind-EPI should be used OnMind-DAI connecting a third party database adopted or viable to adapt under project. Perhaps our technology can be seen as a layer above the database (supra-database) or multi-engine (such as MySQL or MariaDB), or simply consider OnMind-DAI as a pseudo-database but it’s a management system.

Its added value consists of enabling independence from the database engine (at least not to depend on just one), as well as applying an abstract data model oriented under the OnMind Method that promotes agile projects.

Interesting aspects of our software

OnMind has an application programming interface (API) and internal microservices for business processes, using technologies (Node.js, Vert.x, Nginx) that respond to the so-called “problem of the ten thousand connections” (C10K) and enable projects for the internet of things (IoT). The singular method and layout of our system (or way of conceiving it) also provides a basis for the development of modern, multichannel projects (for the Web and enabling mobile functions), for building custom business processes and for the applications that lead within OnMind.

We visualize OnMind with what we have catalogued as “Management Oriented Data Environment” (MODE), combining a system (such as Linux), a database adapter interface (OnMind-DAI), web microservices and our visual component (with OnMind-AVE or under Supported Browser). In others words, on the basis of a system (such as Linux) is linked our platform with which you can manage your service or procedures, ie, it is possible to integrate and orchestrate business activity, mainly if operated over the Internet and mobile devices are used.

You could think of it as an operable system for the cloud with a suite of applications for business and office.

OnMind, in server version, usually simplifies its security implementation by hosting the accompaniment and good practice of a reverse proxy such as Nginx, avoiding exposing its ports and providing a better routing mode when publishing services locally, the proxy resolves this outward with a single navigation port (443) under secure protocol (https). Hence, security certificates are also managed with Nginx (configuration activity that corresponds to who administers the infrastructure once the certificates are acquired). Even horizontal growth would be possible by acquiring Nginx Plus (Nginx+) license.

Which means having a visionary product

Thinking of providing an answer for business applications and linking the concept of “Modern Web Applications” we use mixed technology, taking advantage of the best of both worlds, both Java platform (with Kotlin for our data backend) and Node.js (with Javascript to orchestrate services and render PWA), in addition to a modern visual environment (with Javascript and HTML5 for our frontend) and what the opening means to link Oracle database. This formula has been the support to continue growing and for business ideas supported by innovative technology.

Thanks to its architecture and design, which has already been largely planned and incorporated, OnMind is projected into the future not only as CRM or ERP accompanied by more collaboration tools, knowledge, or digital marketing, but as a tool to streamline software technology projects for data management at the industry level, with our method and a comprehensive and inclusive vision (of key microservices: what do you think about crypto currencies?).

For details on the architecture and internal portfolio of projects click here

Thank you for informing yourself
Last Updated: 29-10-2019