OnMind Method Fundamentals

Analysis & Projects (Software). The project behind the OnMind project

To introduce us to the general concept it is important to refer to the simplified foundation that came of the experience and above all from the inspiration of the author:

“In a world or context of ideas and mental illusions, mental fabrications arise. This is reflected in the systems and in what is projected. These fabrications (or making) are linked to identities. Not all identities actively participate, hence the distinction between participants (entrants or users). Furthermore, the identities can form circles of links, these can be interpreted as natural roles of the identities in a context. Then, we have the environment and the things that we distinguish in a different way from the identities, referring even to concepts or subjects. Processes arise where entries or requests are required that usually generate some activity (or their support). Since this world is highly influenced by the financial aspect, we will have summaries of accounts and their operations. As soon as something is highly specific or requires more detail, it can be said that there are extraordinary and complementary things (extra). This is the basis of an analysis in my view, hence I participate in it as a method, perhaps with some additions”.

Other aspects

To have an idea, depending on the nature or requirement of a project and if our platform can be used as a base, a project from zero of 1 year can be reduced to a third, a small one of 6 months to half.
Another way of looking at it would be like this: simple cases that enable operable prototypes for proof of concept without rigour can take until 20 days or 1 month (even less), for a pilot 3 months or less.


The OnMind method is simply an alternative for the analysis of systems and software projects related to management and data. To develop it suposed some aspect of the academy but by adding a new level of understanding and different approach raises a new paradigm, hence this led to require a singular tool for data management and some other magic.

The OnMind platform is a sample of what is achieved, for this can be useful a comparison.
The OnMind Method (digital text/book)

Author’s Considerations

OnMind Method Context…

Specifications and Method?

A look to the technical

I invite you to learn about this method and about the platform.

See recommended works by the author (portfolio)
Contact with me here

OnMind, Apps or platform supported projects to turn on ideas.

© 2020 by César Arcila