About the OnMind “Plus” Plan


  1. Instead of incorporating consumption by users, the “OnMind Plus” plan is subject to use under control or measurement of records, by dimensioning a capacity of 40,000 stored records (processed and accumulated) at annual cut, capacity that increases for each unit of use charged, in favor of your reach and greater coverage (this is usually sufficient for the plan). There is a charge for each additional record (usually the respective processing is done at the end of the period). There is a recommendation, on the basis of data, to use files up to a size of 3GB (usually sufficient for most plans), reaching such a dimension is a sign of reviewing other plan.
  2. It also applies management units, that is, each internal division, i.e., each point, local, warehouse, branch, agency or other that apply as usage units when a plan is not settled by user but has another dimension to be value.
  3. The “OnMind Plus” plan extends the benefits of the “OnMind Nubes” plan with a scope of service and infrastructure corresponding to the low cost. While the previous plan is openly shared, this plan may be slightly shared since it uses internal virtualization, i.e., it also does not include a dedicated physical server. It can be considered by companies if it is enough to start with “OnMind”. There is a plan or alternative in case of growth. As an explicit suggestion, this plan is sized for 25 users connected (open sessions), can grow in virtual mechanism increasing units for resource capacity, however, reaching another dimension or different criteria may be a signal of moving to a plan where acquired infrastructure is required and its own human resource or a responsible person in charge.
  4. A charge of 3 units always applies, allocating one unit per Link Panel for Content and the other two for the concept: “Management fee applicable to Plan Plus”.
  5. No machine specifications are indicated given the infrastructure and its internal distribution corresponding to the concept of cloud service, although this suggests that it starts with an instance or core. The “OnMind Plus” plan corresponds to a virtual internal mechanism without admitting access to infrastructure, the management of backups is applied strictly on the database (it does not apply for attachments, media, texts or digital content, although could add redundant storage). If something else is required, additional services are applied, for example a restoration or a change of domain or its provider. Similarly, if a computer security expert or specialist is required, the charges generated are passed on to the customer’s account as credits (debits) in the month.
  6. The “OnMind Plus” plan makes it possible to acquire resources such as disk (“block-storage”, even redundant or high availability) or assignment of an acquired domain, or link account for basic third party protection (with “Cloudflare” service). In the first instance, we do our best to preserve the modality in units of use for such resources or to add units by increasing the capacity, if we do not obtain margin from our management or are affected (even by bandwidth consumption) these charges are transferred, that is, if excessive or inappropriate use is made (violating fair use policy) or our provider generates any additional charge is remitted to the customer’s account.
  7. After its acquisition (even if it remains active provisionally) it requires a readiness for its initial configuration, scheduling an appointment for diagnosis and proper start-up. Aggregate resources may not be found initially in the store but may be defined at this appointment or later.

See general clarifications
See “apps” according plan

Thank you for informing yourself

Last Updated: 13-08-2020