About the OnMind “Virtus” Plan


  1. The plan “OnMind Virtus” is under premise (control of licensing via Internet), and unlike the cloud service “OnMind” makes it possible to be manageable by the customer or his team. It offers the virtue of empowerment or faculties of control, therefore, the responsibility, security, custody, management and control of the data remains in your hands.
  2. When we talk about pre-sales with order, it is because it involves the start-up or installation (customized) on a server or a machine with the proper intervention, orientation activity that we cover in remote mode by appointment that is scheduled once the respective purchase is made. You can ask us for a presentation or approach (there is a “demo”).
  3. Instead of incorporating consumption by users, the plan is subject to controlled use or measurement in records (as part of the license conditions), amounting to a capacity of 60,000 per year for each unit of use charged (this is usually sufficient for the plan). Charge applies for each additional record (usually the respective processing is done at the end of the period). There is a recommendation on the database (that consists of internal mechanism incorporated or coupled under Java) to use files up to a size of 3GB (usually sufficient for this plan), reaching such a dimension is a sign of reviewing a new plan (such as the OnMind Optimus plan with its possibilities, it would even be possible to evaluate thus the database acquired with third parties).
  4. It also applies management units, that is, each internal division, i.e., each point, local, warehouse, branch, agency or other that apply as units of use when a plan is not settled by user but has another dimension to be value.
  5. According to current regulations for the purposes of the viewpoint of “OnMind” as a license provider would apply taxes (on the basis obtained).
  6. Linux operating system Debian 10 or Amazon Linux 2 are supported (the latter on AWS), and minimum server with 2 processors, 4GB of memory (RAM) and 25GB available on disk (preferably SSD), plus security certificates are required. The designated server must be exclusive for the use of the OnMind platform.
  7. In the case of admitting a license or possibility to install the product in the infrastructure acquired by the customer with its specifications under a supported platform (Vultr, OCI or AWS, the latter with two additional units) preferring to count on the support that “OnMind” can offer, 4 usage units would be applied (concept: “Management fee applicable in the Cloud”) by a restricted administration to activities of (1) power on, (2) updates of “OnMind”, (3) routine backups strictly on the database (does not apply for attachments, media, text or digital content, although it could add redundant storage), in addition to cases of essential support, restricting remote access to the server and assigning it exclusively to the “OnMind” software platform. It would be promoted to MySQL/MariaDB (or Aurora on AWS) database engine.
  8. If applied to the previous concept, adapting the plan to the cloud, makes it possible to acquire resources such as disk (“block-storage”, even redundant or high availability) or assignment of an acquired domain, or link account for basic third party protection (with “Cloudflare” service). In the first instance, we do our best to preserve the modality in units of use for such resources or to add units by increasing the capacity, if we do not obtain margin from our management or are affected (even by bandwidth consumption) these charges are transferred, that is, if excessive or inappropriate use is made (violating fair use policy) or our provider generates any additional charge is remitted to the customer’s account.
  9. Another alternative corresponds to the purchase of a license instead of renting (being exclusive of the cloud-based scenario). It only applies to local servers managed by the customer’s human resources and at the time of the first purchase, i.e. it is not retroactive. In this case, the amount will correspond to the in-store calculation projected at 2.5 years ( annuality x 2.5) adding taxes. An essential support (for defects, not for assistance) is granted for a period of 1 year with the option to apply to the following updates, which updated value will be obtained based on the store projected 2.5 years for 25% ( annuality x 2.5 x 0.25), adding taxes and without discounts. If the acquisition of updates is frozen, no support is guaranteed, in which case migration services may also be required.

See general clarifications
See “apps” according plan

Thank you for informing yourself

Last Updated: 25-10-2020