Expressing those things that you feel you can deliver with devotion or love, I present some of my works in this digital medium:
A Bridge to the Miracles (book) (2019-2023, in edition). Book that combines certain logic and metaphysics in a more direct language (it is not a novel), for those who are looking for an Inner Peace or who start “A Course In Miracles” (ACIM).
Between dreams and illusions (book) (2020). It is a fictional text that presents some conspiracy theories and spirituality aspects, in the form of short stories.
Those Agreements You Don’t Remember (book) (2015). For those who like fiction novels with some romance.
There are also others articles.
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OnMind Method Fundamentals - Analysis & Projects (Software). The project behind the OnMind project (technical text/book)
To begin with, it would be good to review the article The Big Dreamer. If we simplify it, I feel that you have inner access to the Self, with a metaphysical sense (in a simple or pure context). On the other hand, it is clear that we have an immediate or external experience to attend to, in which things operate in their own context, even finding degrees, levels, planes, vibration, cosmic souls, baseness and diversity, in there can be identified a metaphysical, relative or vibrational if we distinguish it from the previous one.
Desiring Inner Peace is the reason to connect with some spirituality, mental health, happiness, or a change. Forgiveness, in a different or little known way, is part of the proposal of “A Course in Miracles” (Book of the Foundation for Inner Peace). I arrived at this course after walking different paths in that search for Peace or happiness, of course if I talk about it I recommend it but it doesn’t have to be for everyone.
Distinguishing these two levels (that of the absolute spirit of which you participate in essence and that of the practical world as an individual) has been for me a guideline to validate that this universe is illusory without denying that things operate, nor anything at all. If we refer to the presentation of this universe, then there is a wisdom, knowledge, and the placebo effect (which in a nutshell is like giving a patient water and telling them it’s a medicine and the patient is cured), then the word magic could also be used.
To illustrate just a little bit of my personal experience, while you are aware of those two levels you can filter out the usual one. You can even filter something that you sympathize with, you can validate it according to the moment you are. You can accept the magic or the placebo effect, as well as decide what is and what is not valid for you, that you can keep inside. There are things that you could not easily transmit to another person, because that person would have to validate it by himself according to his own process.
When you become more and more aware of your genuine reality and from the wisdom of a Love little understood, which can give priority to your Being over the world, you decide internally what applies or not to your life after having some bases, and above all an Internal Guide.
I am not talking about something casual, or an attitude that every person can have, but about a journey, a process that leads you to a different position in front of the life you know and a moment to focus better on your Peace. In my case I have had several scenarios to compare and validate by myself.
Somewhere in my life I followed the traditions and context of religion, I became a missionary. I went through other facets and have come to connect with the subject of angels as a reference point in my childhood, now I see it more as something internal, as if somehow I have chosen that power and companionship is propitious to me but can be seen better as a sign, not necessarily as an individual external being on a better plane than the human.
In others words, I have validated what resonates best with myself, while updating myself and some things are left behind. Only Love is real and learning about life is a source of gratitude, and you are grateful to the people with whom you have shared genuine moments. It is also true that there are those who circulate in close orbits or experience an opening, to whom I participate with greater pleasure in my book A Bridge to the Miracles.