Leader, expert and creative, with a sense for a plenty life inside and possible out there.
Systems Engineer, with knowledge in Project Management and affinities (organizational or business vision), Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) as developer, Scrum Master Certified (SMPC) and studies in Philosophy.
Since late nineties I have started a professional career that has moved from the technical to a management profile, adapting to new trends and keeping the best of the origins. Experience participating in software projects (ERP, CRM, Workflow, API) with various information technologies and involving major companies in different sectors (Finance, Public Services, Technology, Education, Health and Government), additionally projects with networks and currently cloud computing (AWS y otros).
Programming languages? Specific skills in Javascript (+Node.js) and Kotlin (JVM). General skills with a wide capacity to deal with any other programming language such as: Typescript, Java, SQL, PL/SQL, Python, PHP.
© 2019 by César Arcila