Author’s recommendations

I am pleased to participate in a reference list of my works and some annexes that you can review being of your interest.

Recommended technical works of the Author:

  1. OnMind Software Platform + OnMind Apps (store)
  2. OnMind Database CE (+EPI & DAI)
  3. ABCode Programming Language (Preview/Alpha)
  4. The OnMind Method: the project behind the project (digital text)
  5. Javascript Agile Learning Plan - OnMind (digital text)
  6. Speculative project estimation (simple app published on the web)
  7. This blog and the great majority of its videos…

See videos

Recommended works and texts by Andrey Cabely:

  1. Between dreams and illusions (book on Amazon)
  2. Those accords you don’t remember (book on Amazon)
  3. A Bridge to Miracles (digital text)
  4. With the unknown (blog text)

Contact with me here

OnMind, Apps or platform supported projects to turn on ideas.

© 2021 by César Arcila