What does OnMind mean?

FAQ - General Orientation

If you think about your business activity, data or ecommerce and marketing: OnMind is for you.

What used to be done on paper or computer systems designed until a few years ago, where forms were used, you now achieve with a platform that provides a digital experience …

OnMind, more than a modern support tool for your management or collaboration, is an adaptable platform to turn on business ideas with a digital experience.

What OnMind offers or does?

We make “apps” or projects involving business activities, internet (or cloud) and mobile devices. Our platform is modular and multi-purpose (not general), ideas take us to the specific, being adaptable under micro-projects. That’s why we catalogue it as “Management Oriented Data Environment” (or Mission…), with the acronym MODE.

We have our repertory of applications with modular orientation, the ones that best distinguish us are “eCommerce orders”, “attention to requests” and “private web publisher” (eLearning or digital texts), plus other applications to manage your business that you can find in our store according to the plan (e.g. Essential Business Manager, Marketing Funnel).

What can be achieved with OnMind?

Access to micro-projects or projects with a reasonable budget (based on a modular platform). You could, for example, orchestrate your business with a digital experience, manage requests for services or internal procedures, manage documentation and knowledge, integrate modern software, project a custom online store (eCommerce), a micro-portal or landing page, perhaps IP telephony, or think about IoT (devices that connect to our platform via Internet).

In addition to adapting under projects, we have applications listed in our store, we invite you to visit taking into account that they vary according to the plan (check our plans).

What can be done with the applications?

In short management, organization, control, knowledge and much more. Given the modular orientation, “apps” can be combined to respond to a need or solution, as follows:

There are applications and added functions that we deliver according your purchase or plan. You can also apply to experimental functions (e.g. Essential Business Manager, Marketing Funnel). Among incorporables “apps” we have:

  1. Assignment of access by delegate (no for Basis plan nor Free)
  2. Essential catalogue (eCommerce oriented)
  3. Basic directory of people
  4. Basic directory of organizations
  5. Unified contact query
  6. Essential content panel (simple CMS)
  7. Text editor (simple CMS - Markdown)
  8. Text reader or viewer (for Markdown)
  9. OnMind-EPI (or DAI), in-house database (apply scope)

How do I access a demo?

Simply registering as a user in transit (or transitory). If you have a firm interest or purchase intention, it is preferable that you contact us to schedule an appointment for a direct presentation (in teleconference) and identify the need, so as to better focus the initial orientation. Coming soon (2021+) a downloadable “demo” is estimated, tell us about your interest if you wish to obtain an early or preliminary version.

Is there a need or is the wheel being reinvented?

While it is observed that services and solutions come out for each thing heading towards an acertive market, and although seeking to cover everything is not efficient either, we identified an opportunity to propose an alternative that favors management and control with a unifying sense, with opening to splice necessary technologies, minimizing what sometimes seem ugly patches.

For example, by incorporating a contact directory gives us the power to manage people files more fluidly (without leaving our environment). In addition, we propose a modular orientation hand in hand with our method for agile projects. Innovation suggests a differentiating factor, perhaps sometimes you can inquire aspects about the wheel or simply there is a couple of points.

How does OnMind differ? (more benefits)

Our proposal makes the difference for those who promote order, service, customer care, wellness, knowledge or dynamism for their business. We consider the following aspects:

We distinguish ourselves in achieving a digital experience. If you are thinking of a project with a reasonable budget, a business that grows supported by technology or at a corporate level, you may require a platform like ours, as well as our services. Turn on your business idea with OnMind.

How can I access the service?

If you have not registered yet, use the link below, there you will also find a link for help. If you are a customer, please watch the following animation and go to https://onmind.co

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